You hear that God’s people curse sickness. What does this mean? This is what we are going to discuss today. You receive a bad medical report. Is there anything you can do about it? 

God gives you His blessing to curse satan and his wicked works including sickness and disease. So right now, obey His Word and curse this illness at its very root and see, just like Jesus cursed the fig tree (See Mark 11:12-25).

Use the Sword of the Spirit; go deep into the root system and cut this disease off of your body. Curse the tap root and command it to dry up and die, and all other roots that stem off of this main root dry up and disappear supernaturally. Remind it often that it will not be able to resurrect itself in your body. Nor can it transplant or metastasize itself in any other part of your body.

Speak to the original seed of this disease, the see of sin that was planted back in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve first sinned. Renounce this generational curse because you have been redeemed from it (see Gal. 3:13).

Dominate all seeds that this disease has produced to wither and die. Put them in their place beneath your authority in Jesus Christ; let them know who is boss and that they may not germinate ever again in your body or pass on to another generation.

Note: This teaching comes directly from Becky’s book, The Healing Creed.


Click here to learn more in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

27 thoughts on “Curse Sickness in Jesus’ Name

  1. I am praying for a complete healing from pain in my body that has been here too long, almost 2 years. It affects my eye, head, jaw, neck, etc. I have told it that it is cursed like the fig tree and had to leave in Jesus name. Please agree with me in prayer. Thank you.

    1. I stand in agreement with you, Melissa, for the manifestation of your healing. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity and pain attacking your body. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus over your body to cleanse and heal it. I command your every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to line up with the Word of God, and boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole. Amen.

  2. Praise God Becky

    Thanks for the encouraging words of healing, please pray for my mum she has been on medication for 23 years and now has a sick lung, she needs physical strength,My anutie Diana has had a stroke 12 years ago and the has been no change in her body.

    Doctor diagonised me with arthiritis, i am believing for healing too.

    Please come to Uganda we need a word of healing.

    1. Diane,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this sickness in your mother’s lung and release the power of the Holy Spirit into it and declare that it is healed, made whole, and strong again.
      I renounce the power behind the stroke in Diana, and speak creative miracles into her brain and that it is healed, made whole and the body functions as it should again.
      I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your joints and command them to line up to the Word of God in Isaiah 53:4-5 and be healed, amen.

  3. Hi Becky, I thank the Lord for coming across your ministry. Thank you for encouraging messages. I a m learning not to allow sickness in my life. My husband Stevenson is going for biopsy soon for suspicious growth in his glands on the chest, I have cursed any cancerous cells in his body please stand in agreement with me that any sickness in his cells and tissue is cursed and for his complete healing. For Jesus took away all our infirmities in His body. Thank you

    1. Sarah, In the name of Jesus–our Healer, I align my faith with your faith for a complete deliverance and healing from any cancerous growths in your husband. We curse these unknown growths at their very seed, and command them to dry up at their roots and be eliminated from his body. I declare by Isaiah 53:4-5 that he is healed, strong, healthy and made whole, amen. Hugs…

  4. Hi Becky

    I hope all is well with you. Kindly please pray for me of my ailments. I have stabbing paons all ovwr my body. Gout and hypertension. Please Also pray for my wife who living witj the lupus conditiom. I have faith in Jesus name that with extra prayers we xan overcome these illnesses and be healed. On Jesus name I trust and believe.


    1. Godfrey, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of infirmity over you and your wife. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your bodies. I curse these stabbing pains over your body, and the gout and hypertension. I pray your body is healed, at peace, and pain free. I renounce this lupus attacking our wife. I command it out of her body and that she is healed and made whole, every cell, tissue, organ and system works in harmony with the Word of God, by His stripes she is healed and made whole, amen.

  5. Mrs. Becky thank you so much for sharing your post and prayers I am learning how to apply Gods word in my life and family. I am also sharing them with my family. God bless you !! I thank God for directing me to your website. I know it wasn’t by accident . God is good. To God be the glory !!

  6. I speak healing to Heidi’s pancreas and surprise her eyes to be blessed to see the desires of her heart Proverbs 10:24 b Remove all disappointment and renew her mind and rebuild her faith and hope to receive. Bring her faith believing Christians who believe God at His Word to God be the glory in Jesus name Amen.

  7. Yes Becky to powerfully STAND by Faith is a key to the miraculos… Much gratitude ? for this tool in the arsenal, to hedge satans attack on our body… Blessing, Madalyn ❤️??

  8. Heidi, I’m so sorry your battle has been long. Many are. When you’ve done all you can do to stand, STAND.

    God bless you.

  9. Just diagnosed with Basal Casanovas on my right lower eyelid. As a teenager with sever acne, I received radiation treatments every other week for 2.5 years. It cured the acne, but I have had a lot of stuff scraped off over the years. While it isn’t confirmed until biopsy, the doctor was certain. I rebuked the curse of death and illness. I cursed evil and demanded it leaves me in Jesus’ name. Then I thanked Jesus for healing. The spot it there and I am waiting for surgery date. I have repeated this prayer very many times since finding out. Praise Jesus.

    1. Theresa,
      In the nae of Jesus’ I renounce the power behind Basal Casanovas. I curse it at its seed and command it to dry up at the roots and die off and be eliminated through the system. And it may not grow back or spread in Jesus’ name, amen.

  10. Becky, I have done this many times, but it hasn’t changed anything. I desperately need a new pancreas, due to type 1 diabetes in my body for 15 years. Nothing I have tried so far has made any difference. Thanks for your encouraging posts.

    1. Heidi, Faith comes by hearing and hearing … the Word of God. Without it nothing will happen. Jesus says that it’s our faith that heals us. Cursing sickness has to be mixed with faith.

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