This has been such a busy season in our life. We’ve celebrated 2 of our sons’ weddings 4 months apart from one another. Joaquin and Rose were married in October of 2018, and now Ricardo and Vivi were married last week.
The US visas have been approved for Marcos and Andres. This happened the day after Ricardo and Vivi’s wedding. Making it an even more exciting and busier than it already was.
My husband, David will be picking up their passports with their US visas stamped inside their passports on Wednesday of this week. And when he has them in hand he will call me and I will very quickly order airline tickets for the boys and myself to the US. My husband will be driving through Mexico and into the States with our things.
And I just finished writing my next book, Conquering the Spirit of Death coming out in November 2019.
I appreciate your prayers and patience as this is a very busy time in life, and emotional one too, as we are saying good-bye to our life here in Guatemala after 25 years, the children in the children’s home, 2 of our 5 adopted sons that were just married, a granddaughter that we just love so much. Needless to say, this transition is both exciting and difficult at the same time.
When we are settled I will let you know what part of the country we will be in.
I hope to see some of you at my next healing event in Albuquerque, NM March 1-3, 2019.
Becky :O)

43 thoughts on “Family Update: Keeping You in the Loop

  1. Hi Becky, Would love to use your book as a tool for evangelism with my woman’s church group. Which book do you recommend as a teaching tool for healing?, miracles to glorify God…Thank you Becky

  2. Dear Mrs. Becky Dvorak:
    Congratulations and God’s blessings for the marriages of your children, and may our Lord continue to bless you and your family members abundantly. I pray for divine helpers to locate you and assist with the assignment back home.

  3. Dear Becky, I am really happy for you and your family. I pray God continue to keep you all safe and pray for greater exploits for you. Remember me in your prayers always for healing. I love you all. Safe travels.

  4. Becky thank you for all your teachings and encouragement. I wish you every blessings in you move back to the US.
    Would you also please pray for my 10 month old grandson Liam who has been diagnosed with Wiscott Aldridge disease which affects 6-10 male babies in a million. It means a compromised immune system, low white platelets, so very serious complications possible for simple things like a bruise or cut or infection. I am standing on The Lords word that by his stripes Liam is healed. Please pray for Liam’s healing. Bless you.

    1. Sharon,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and the power of this disease he has been labeled with. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into his immune system and declare by faith that it is recreated, healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord. Body heal yourself in Jesus’ name, amen.

  5. Congrats on your son’s weddings Becky. I thank God for people like you who pray for the sick and the rest of us to receive our salvation. Thank you for your books which are inspiring many. I hope to find a copy hrte in Zimbabwe.

  6. Thank you for your books. They are a tool to keep me focused on understanding at a deeper level of God’s healing to us and through us.
    One day I’m hoping I’ll see you in person. You’re next gather is during my birthday, March 3.
    Going to Guatemala with my husband and others to minister in many areas to the poorest. I’m excited to see the healings and miracles there. Thank you for pouring out in Guatemala. I get to pour out onto people here in N C as an Uber and Lift driver. It’s exciting to minister to people who get into my Prius car!
    Blessings to you and your family as you continue on your journey. Have grown to love you and thankful for your obedience to our Lord.