Fungus Disappears
After the message a young teenage girl came forward for prayer for healing from a fungus that was spreading all over her body. I commanded the fungus to stop producing and to disappear in the name of Jesus. A few minutes later the girl and her family came forward to testify that the white spots on her pretty brown face had already disappeared. DARE to Believe!
Awesome testimony; we had a positive response to prayer also. Isabela had a bright red inflamed circle with a scab in the middle (from a bite), I’ve seen this too many times recently to recognize it as the beginning of MRSA, that dreaded infection. We didn’t call it by name, Sarah and I, we just looked at each other and new, this had to be cursed to its roots and commanded off. So that’s what we did in the name of Jesus and then continued to pray what else to do quickly while it was in the early stage. The Lord said, ‘put mud, clay on it’, so we did with a bandaid over night. In the morning we checked it and the red inflamed area was gone. Praise God. Love ya.
It’s awesome Dorine to see the healing power of the Holy Spirit manifest in the lives of our families and friends.