Can Pets Be Healed?

Can pets be healed? This is an interesting question that people frequently ask me. And to answer this question, yes, even pets can be healed. I share a testimony in my book, DARE to Believe in Chapter3, Resolving Doubts and Questions Concerning Healing on pages 94-96 about a puppy that I accidentally ran over with the car. With tears streaming down my face I prayed to the Lord to heal the puppy and it was amazingly healed. I guess we should not be surprised by this, after all the Bible does say that if we believe all things are possible , (see Mark 9:23). The Word also states that there is the power of life and death in the tongue, (see Proverbs 18:21). It doesn’t say this applies only when believing for life for humans, so we can safely say that we can believe for healing for our pets too.

I received this healing testimony on my facebook page @ from Courtney Franklin.

“Becky, I have a story of healing for you. Over the last six months or so, my dog had two papillomas pop up on her face. Both had to be surgically removed because other treatments weren’t effective. These surgeries were very expensive not to mention no fun for my pup or me. About a month ago, I noticed another one popping up above her eye. I laid my hand on it and asked God for healing. It went away!! I’ve been telling everyone. Praise Jesus!”

As we can see we have been given authority over all things, including sickness and disease attacking our pets. DARE to Believe!

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