When I was a young girl I grew up in a denominational Church, I was baptized as an infant, confirmed in my teenage years, and yet I had no understanding of what Jesus Christ really did for me. I did  not know that Church attendance was not enough, but that I needed to be born-again. And I certainly did not have any teaching about the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ to heal the sick.

I believe the main reason Christian people are sick and dying prematurely is that the Church on a whole has taken the healing message and shoved it in a closet and locked the door. It is time to unlock the door and allow people to hear the Good News about supernatural healing, so they can have a foundation of faith to stand on to believe for healing. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God, see Rom. 10:17.

The next time someone tries to tell you that God no longer heals, don’t listen. Instead, read God’s Word and find out what He has to say about the matter. Here are some Scriptures to help you get started on your healing journey.


The Father says about Himself:

“I am the Lord who heals you.” Exod. 15:26.

“For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds’.” Jer. 30:17.

“Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” Jer. 33:6.

“I am the Lord, I do not change.” Mal. 3:6.


Concerning Healing for His children the Lord says:

Healing is His children’s bread. Mark 7:27.


Here are just a few things He says concerning Jesus and healing.

“Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. Isa. 53:4-5.

“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” Gal. 3:13.

“His body was broken for your healing.” 1 Cor. 11:24.

Jesus shed His blood 7 times for our redemption, including healing. Luke 22:41-44, Isa. 50:6, Isa. 53:4-5,Matt. 27: 27-31, John 19: 17-37.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Heb. 13:8.


Jesus says of Himself about healing:

“I am willing; be cleansed.” Luke 5: 13.

“I came to give you life, and life in abundance.” John 10:10.

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19.

“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27.


Where does sickness come from?

The thief, satan, comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10.


He says of the Holy Spirit concerning us:

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Rom. 8:11.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Acts 1:8.


He gives us wisdom on how to overcome:

“Seek the Lord and live.” Am. 5:6.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” Zech. 4:6.

“Faith operates by love.” Gal. 5:6

“The joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.” Neh. 8:10.

“A joyful heart is good medicine.” Prov. 17:22

“If you believe… you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” Mark 16:18.

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14.

You have the power of life and death in your tongue. Prov. 18:21.

Hold fast the confession of your hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Heb. 10:23.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Rom. 10:17.


And gives us encouragement for difficult times if we choose to believe:

The Lord will sustain, refresh, and strengthen you when you get sick. Ps. 41:3.

You will not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Ps. 118:17.

The Lord will preserve you and keep you alive. Ps. 41:2.

He will satisfy you with long life. Ps. 91:16.

You will not miscarry or be barren, but fulfill the number of your days. Exod. 23:26.

He will bless your bread and your water, and will remove sickness from your midst. Ps. 91:16.

He will give you strength and peace. Ps. 29:11.

No evil or plague shall come near your dwelling. Ps. 91:10.

No weapon formed against you will prosper. Isa. 54:17.


A prayer recorded in the Bible for you:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. ” 3 John 1:2


Becky Dvorak is a healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com




11 thoughts on “What Does God Say About Himself and Healing?

  1. Thank you, Becky, for your answer. So, in other words, I must SAY I believe for a miracle and STOP going to my doctors? Not that they´re helping much, to be honest. For example, today I felt a bit better after my husband gave me an inyection last night, so I decided to clean up around the house. Nothing major. Just routine. Result? Excruciation pain that landed me in bed and unable to attend church at 6 p.m. I feel this is NOT fair. My husband and I were serving the Lord in Texas: he was preaching, I was teaching Sunday school, and was inserting the Lord´s word in mainstream media every day, thanks to my job in a very prominent TV station. We would preach to homeless people and ¨jornaleros¨ at least once a month, as well as families of burned children who were being treated at a hospital next door to our church. I got pregnant, then ill, later laid off without rhyme or reason (alongside my co-anchor, even when we held half the Emmy nominations of the entire station. So, basically, we were fired a week after learning of the nominations). This whole situation just DOES NOT make any sense! I cannot serve the Lord like this, even though I do preach to other patients when I go into the doctor´s office for follow-ups, but I feel like such a hypocrite. My faith has taken a real blow with all this and my illness is also affecting my marriage and my relationships as a mother, daughter and friend. I wish I could do more, but chronic pain is devastatingly exhausting. I feel my prayers (and the hundreds of prayers from others over me) are not being heard. I give up. I told the Lord: I will love you regardless, if you heal me or if you don´t. But I am certainly NOT the person I used to be. Not even a fraction. I still testify, but cannot do what I used to. I´m desperate and don not know what to do.
    Many blessings,

    1. Dear Angie,
      I believe there is a spirit of infirmity that has latched itself to you. But as a Christian you have authority over it. I suggest you read DARE to Believe. It will give you an in depth study about sickness and disease, where it originated, and what we can do about it. I answer difficult questions about healing and what can stand in the way of healing. It will help you to get to the bottom of what is holding your healing back.
      It is not God’s will that you are sick. So, you no longer need to ask Him, “What for?” The answer to the “Why” is that we have an enemy, satan who is bent upon our destruction. In John 10:10, Jesus calls him a thief who comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. What does sickness and disease do? They steal, kill and destroy every area of our life.
      And the second half of John 10:10, Jesus says of Himself that He came to give us life and life in abundance. He wants to restore your health and healing and strength to you. He wants you to fulfill your destiny and live life full of joy again.

      I am not against doctors, but they are human and there are times when they just don’t have the answers. And often times medicines just cover up symptoms and do not deal with the root of the problem.

      Don’t give up. I will help you in your journey to health and healing. But I do suggest that you read DARE to Believe and it will help you to pinpoint root issues in your life.


      1. Thank you, Becky. Here I am, yet again, woken up in the middle of the night because of pain. The good news is I am allergic to narcotics and most neurological medications, such as anti-epileptics, anti-depressants and nerve-numbing drugs. Otherwise, I would have an even bigger problem: addiction and serious neurological and emotional disorders due to medication. I only take NSAIDS for pain and, most often than not, they don’t cut it. I’ve also had two rounds of excruciatin epidural injections, to no avail but extra suffering. Now that you mention it, Satan himself has told me to my face he wants to destroy me. It used to scare me, now I simply tell him: “He who lives in me is greater than he who is in the World.” I’ve even seen and felt the spirit of death come at me several times (my husband has also seen and felt its attacks via sleep apnea, which has led to high blood pressure on a 32 year old healthy man, who eats right and exercises daily). I calmly but firmly say: “if my Father sent you, just take me right away. If not, go away NOW, in Jesus’ name, for it is illegal for you to be here.” I can feel the anger and frustration on their end. The enemy even tried to choke me with my own blood hours after my cancer surgery (total thyroidectomy). I had a long discussion that morning with my Anesthesiologist about my allergies, and he joked about me having surgery on Friday the 13th (June 2014). I firmly replied: “I don’t believe in such nonsense, for He who is in me is greater than the one of the world.” And the entire pre-op prep room went silent. After surgery, I asked for pain relief in order to swallow my liquid diet and the nurse gave me the first no-no medication on the list: morphine. I vomited, and one of the internal blood vessel clamps went loose, sending blood in between my skin and neck muscles around my wind pipe. I literally felt Satan was trying to choke me. I sent my husband out of the hospital room to get a doctor. He found none: it was Friday evening, past 6 p.m. When he returned to my room, I saw his eyes tearing up. I thought: if he cries, I cry, and if I cry, I’ll choke. So, I said: “Don’t cry: PRAY!” He called a church elder and put her on speaker. Not 2 minutes had passed when, not just any surgeon, but my ENT surgeon walked in the door. He wheeled me into emergency surgery on the spot. I felt like Jacob, fighting with the Angel of the Lord, and reminding Him of His promises, visions and prophecies over my life, that of my husband’s, our daughter, unborn son, our ministry. Everything! I was going a million miles an hour in my mind. On the outside, I calmly breathed in (as best I could) and exhaled a soft “Señor Jesús” (Lord Jesus). Chaos raigned that O.R. It was crazy! I heard people screaming things like “We’re losing the patient” and “Two units ready for transfusion.” I kept breathing Lord Jesus. Even the surgeon asked me who I was talking to. I said: “God.” He said: “Really? What does He say?” As best I could (feeling the choking power of that hemorrhage): “He’s here. In control. We’ll be fine.” I even remember crossing over from my wheeled bed to the O.R. table, and asking the anesthesiologist to put me down already. I had enough of seeing blood. The surgeon opened my stitches and I was bathed in about a pint of blood accumulated in my neck. He said we had to do this awake, because there was no room in my throat to intubate me. Amidst all this chaos, I felt the peace of God far beyond any understanding. Hours later, I woke up in the ICU, thanking God. After that, tge surgeon couldn’t believe all the details I remembered. He said adrenaline should have shut my memory down, but God had a higher purpose with that experience. I know there’s huge purpose in my life, my husband’s, our daughter and still to be conceived baby. Our ministry is a powerful one. We’ve seen it in dreams, visions and prophecies. And the enemy knows it. I know my health issues will attest to an even bigger testimony of God’s glory (John 9) and the enemy knows I know, like I know, like I know it. He cannot destroy me, for Christ lives in me. It is frustrating, yes. It hurts physically and has put an enormous strain on my relationships and career, but I grab the Romans 8:28 promise (among many others). God bless you, Becky. Please continue to pray for us.

        1. Dear Angie, Have you read DARE to Believe? This will help you in many ways. It will answer many questions that you have. It will stir up your faith to believe. Many things are happening in your life. I see how the enemy is trying to wear you down, and in some ways he already has, but yet, I can read that there is still hope. This hope needs to be cultivated into belief. And remember that faith operates by love. This in an area where you need to carefully and honestly examine what is happening in your heart. Make sure you are free from unforgiveness and vengeance. These things will stop a miracle. But greater is Jesus in you then satan in this world. I am believing for healing and restoration for you in spirit, soul and in body. Hugs, Becky

  2. This is so, yes, I do believe; but why am I still sick? Do you know how many times elders, ministers, pastors and apostles have prayed for my healing? Hundreds. Ap. Paul said we should rejoice in our pain, for we were sharing in the suffering of our Lord. Also, in John, chapter 9, Jesus explains the purpose of illness: for the glory of God to be manifested. And yet, our brethren are sick, within our church. Why? We do not question the Lord. A more appropriate question is “What for?” In order to preach to those who suffer, through our testimony. Many blessings.

    1. Dear Angie,
      I am sadden to hear of your suffering. There are many reasons why people are sick. A few of the more common reasons are because: 1. Lack of teaching concerning healing in the Church. 2. Christians do not know who they are in Christ and therefore, are unable to activate the authority over satan and all of his wicked works, including sickness and disease. 3. Wrong words are being spoken. The Bible says that there is the power of life and death in our tongues. We live in what we are saying. 4. Our actions do not line up with our spoken words. For example; if we say we are believing for a miracle, but are planning our funeral then we are confused. We are not believing to be healed, but are believing for death. Those are just some common reasons why healing is not manifested. There are many other reasons as well such as; sin, unforgiveness, past abuse can affect the way we see our heavenly Father and can make it difficult. Another reason is that people lack support to believe during difficult times. Again, there are many more reasons. I hope this helps you. I believe with all my heart the Word that tells us that Jesus is not only able, but He is willing. Hugs, Becky

  3. I am 51 and dying from COPD, I have told Doctors so long that I could not breath, but when they would check my oxygen I always had been sitting and it seemed to be fine when I was sitting, One day my back was really acting up so I stud up and started going from one foot to the other, I did it a couple times and I was gasping for air, she tested my oxygen again and then she was very upset and get meds and nebulizer and getting after the nurse for not checking, after the nebulizer treatment she checked it again and then she said Penny I think were in real trouble here, so she sent me to a long Doctor, they did there test and were not happy, I was put on oxygen right away and he told me there was not much he could do, he put me on some meds and sent me home and 2 days later I was in hospital for a week, he wont give me a time frame because he said my lungs will suffocate me or my heart will stop, that was a year ago, my pastor and others started to pray for me, I went back for another test last month and they looked 3 times and said that never happens I was really worried and asked what, they said your test improved a lot, and that does not happen, I told him it does with GOD….

    1. Dear Penny,
      AMEN! Thank you for taking the time to share your testimony with us. Yes, with God ALL things are possible. I would recommend that your write a confession of faith for your healing. Speak it out over and over throughout the day. And even better record it and play it non-stop around you. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that there is the power of life and death in the tongue, or in the words that we speak. SPEAK LIFE!
      Right now, I come against a spirit of premature death and this disease called, COPD. Jesus is greater than this or any other attack from satan. I command your heart and lungs to be recreated and to function perfectly normal in Jesus’ name. I declare that you will not die, but LIVE and declare the glory of the Lord.


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