I was mentoring a dear friend of mine in the ways of the Spirit, and while we ere traveling in Tanzania together I asked her to share from her heart a testimony at the next service. At first she was apprehensive. She responded, “What if I make a mistake?” I replied, “God can handle our mistakes.”

During the earlier days of this training with the Holy Spirit, I recall a time when I did not heed the Lord’s voice quickly because I became sidetracked with something else.

While I was cooking black beans in the pressure cooker on the stove, I decided to take advantage of the time and went to clean out the storage area. I became distracted with the disorder in this room and forgot about the black beans on the stove, but the Lord remembered. He clearly said to me, “Go and shut the black beans off now.” I responded, “Oh, the beans!” I started off immediately to the kitchen, but before I could get out the door of the storage room I came across another mess that grabbed my attention. The Lord said to me again, “Go and shut the black beans off right now!” I said, “Yes, I will.” But again I became distracted. Then all of a sudden I heard a large BOOM! I ran into the kitchen as fast as I could, but because i did not move quickly to the command of the Lord, the pressure cooker had exploded and black beans dripped from the ceiling and ran down the walls. There were black beans everywhere!

The Lord tried to warn me, but I became distracted with other things and missed out on His timing of the immediate response. But even in this mess that I had created for myself I can assure you that God gave me another opportunity and I cooked another pot of black beans for Him.

Dear Lord,

Forgive me for the times that I do not heed Your voice immediately because I become distracted with the things of this world. Help me to set aside these distractions and respond quickly to Your commands.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

*This excerpt is from Greater Than Magic, Chapter 4, Spirit Led, pages 60-62.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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