Skin cancer, is God able and willing to heal skin cancer? Is skin cancer greater than God? Most of my readers immediately respond with the correct answer, “No!”. While others do not know Him as Healer, so in all honesty they are not sure which is greater. And then there are many who say He is able to do anything, but perhaps, He is not willing to heal skin cancer, or any disease for that matter. But I am here to testify to you that our God, is both able and willing to heal all who come to Him.

Let’s look to Luke 5:12-13 from the Amplified Version of the Bible today. It says, While Jesus was in one of the cities, there came a man covered with [an advanced case of] leprosy; and when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face and begged Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean and well.” And Jesus reached out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And immediately the leprosy left him.” From this Scripture we can see not only His willingness to heal, but His ability to heal the incurable disease. And this portion of Scripture isn’t just so we rejoice at this amazing healing from long ago, but that our faith would be stirred today, in the time of our need for His healing touch. Let’s look at a modern day healing and be encouraged that we serve a living God who is both able and willing to heal us today. 

On October 10, 2019, Liberty submits a prayer request on behalf of her father. She writes, “My dad had prostate cancer years ago had a botched operation and lots of radiation therapy. Last week his doctor told him he had skin cancer. I need people to believe with me that his body is completely restored in the name of Jesus. We are not believing the lie of the enemy. Thank you.”

I respond to her request on October 17, 2019. “Liberty, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this cancer lingering in his body. I curse it at its root and seed and command it to die off at the seed and dry up at the roots and be completely gone from his body, never to return again. I command every cancerous cell and tumor to be gone in Jesus’ name. I say, body be healed, be strengthened, and be made whole for the glory of God, amen.”

Liberty writes back on November 11, 2019 with this wonderful praise report. “Becky I want to thank you and give all the Glory to God for my dad’s healing.
The doctor had taken a biopsy from his face, he was told it was skin cancer. The following tests showed NOTHING, I think they were surprised because they even took an x-ray of it to make sure. He is all clear and will remain that way in Jesus’ name. Thank you Lord for your mercy.”

Our God is able and willing to heal skin cancer, or whatever deadly disease that is attacking you and your loved ones.


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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

25 thoughts on “Is God Able and Willing to Heal Skin Cancer?

  1. please Becky , im diagosed with melanoma stage 3a pry for me to never return had surgery and i wnt to be free from this sikness .. ty God bless

    1. IN the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death, melanoma, cancerous cells and growths rising against you. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse them from all impurities of death and melanoma. I speak words of faith filled with deliverance, healing and strength over you, amen and amen.

    2. Hello, pray for my mother, she have been suffering from skin cancer for over three years now, please pray for God’s healing over her life. thank you

      1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of death, skin cancer. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through the skin organ of her body, cleansing it of all impurities, supernaturally eliminating all cancer cells and restoring normal flesh to areas destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ (skin) and system in her body to align with the Word of God, declaring that by His stripes she is made whole spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  2. Becky,
    Please pray for my acne, and the acne scars and face skin sensitivity, pigmentations, allergies to go away. I am tired of all diets, doctors, lasers, people’s comments. Thanks so much for praying for me.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Jesus to flow through all the layers of your skin to cleanse them from all impurities and scars. I speak to your immune system to be healed and strengthened from all allergens for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  3. Becky, please pray for me as I had been recently diagnosed with Basel cell skin cancer. I’m probably going to have it cut out. It’s on my face – left lower jaw. I’ve had a few in the last 14 years since I turned 50 years old (averaging about one every two years!). Also, I had prostate cancer and surgery six years ago. I prayed a lot for prostate but I was never rescued from the “chopping block”. My prostate is gone and I feel alright, except that I still get some counts in my PSA and have been taking medications for it. I surely wish that Jesus would get next to me and pray it all away just like he did with that Leper. Thank you & God bless.

    1. Dear Tom,
      Number one, the issue is never with Jesus, He already healed you by shedding His redemptive blood for you at the whipping post for your healing. The issue has to do with our level of faith to believe or not to believe. And this is good news, because we can learn to believe. Right now, I renounce this spirit of death and cancer that has been attacking your body. I curse every cancerous cell and tumor rising up within your body. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to be cleansed, delivered, healed and made whole again from every cancerous cell and tumor. I declare them cancer-free and cancer-proof for the glory of the Lord. I speak to this basel cell skin cancer to be gone, never to return again or spread in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  4. Hello Becky,my name is Valencia from South Africa , I would like to thank God for hearing your teaching on TV 1st time ,I was undergoing some difficulties and I started practicing your teaching now I am heal spiritual , through practicing the word you teach Becky

  5. Hello! Can you pray for my husband? He’s suffered 8 concussions in his life, 2 years ago got hit in the head at work & has been battling PTSD, anxiety, depression, anger, memory loss & migraines almost weekly that last about 4 days. He hasn’t been the same & is in constant pain. I’ve been standing for his healing, these are all lying symptoms that have to go! Thank you so much!

  6. Please come into agreement with me for my sister Kay to be healed of Alzheimer’s. She is currently in a nursing home. I want her healed and at home with me again.

    1. Dear Cherry,
      In the name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of premature death of Kay’s memory and life. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout the entire brain and that it becomes youthful and workable again, with her memory fully restored for God great glory and for your family’s joy to be restored in this, amen and amen. Hugs, Becky

  7. Hello Becky, my cousin is suffering from a kidney problem and has been on drugs and dialysis for over three years. Please pray for her to receive complete healing and restoration from the health problem.

  8. Hello. Praise the Lord for that testimony! Very, very encouraging! Nothing is impossible with our God! I wanted to ask this question if it’s OK. What does a person do if they have had a long-standing illness for many many years and they have not seen manifestation? They feel they have done all the right things in standing for their healing. Thank you so much! Mark from Minnesota.

    1. Mark,
      We know the Lord is not withholding your healing from you. I have found that the 2 areas that cause a block for our healing to manifest is in the areas of what we say, and how we act out our faith. Having said this I believe it is good news because we can change both. We can learn to speak on a consistent basis no matter how we feel… in a manner that consistently releases life, healing and strength to our physical bodies. And eventually if we will speak this way our bodies will always line up to the Word of the Lord. And the second area is with our actions. Our actions must be that we are healed… Blessings, Becky

  9. Please Becky could you pray for me too as I have a severe osteoporosis and arthrosis and this year I broke my spine. ( 5 vertebraes) and had a fall and broke my sternum in 2 parts !

    Now I have contant pains in my back and cannot do anything ! I was so active before ! My husband is nearly blind and life is not easy…

    I believe in Gods’healing and I pray …but so far no healing!

    I do need your powerful prayer Becky and I rely on you , right now in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    Thank you so much.

    Élisabeth ( from France )

    1. Elisabeth,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death in you and your husband. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in an throughout your entire bodies. I curse these diseases and breaks in the spine. I speak life into the marrow of your bones an that they produce life and life in abundance. I speak life and creative miracles throughout your spine and into your husbands eyes too, in Jesus’ name, amen. **Now learn to speak life, healing and strength ONLY. The Bible tells us to call out those things that are not as through they already happened. In other words declare that you are healed, your spine is strong, healthy and made whole…

  10. Dear Becky,

    Please pray for this eye infection/allergy to be healed; healing from tinnitus and hearing loss which has been tormenting me for 16 months and healing throughout my entire body so that my blood levels are all normal when I see my Dr next week..

    Please pray for my mother’s hair to grow in thick and full as it used to be. She’s so upset by her hair loss. Please also pray for for her hearing to be restored fully and for her to be released from worry, anxiety and fear.

    Please pray for my father’s spine to straighten out and for his lower back pain to be healed as well as infection in his left eye and for all his blood levels to be normal.

    Thank you and blessings to you and your family!

    1. Kavitaraju, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and infirmity over your family. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your eyes, your ears and throughout your blood and declare that you are healed and made whole. I speak into the hair folicles of your mother to grow thick and healthy head of hair, and for your father’s spine I command it to be realigned and to be regenerated for the glory of God and command all the infection in his eye to be healed and that his blood levels are normal as well, amen and amen.

  11. May I ask the Lord jesus christ to heal me from hiv infection and skin rashes that have affected my body.
    May the God that you pray also heal my daughter who developed red lumps on her body. I know that He is still a Healer.

    1. Ramunda, In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and hiv in your body. I release His healing power to flow through your cells and blood and immune system and that they are completely cleansed of all disease and death and that your body aligns itself to Isaiah 53:4-5 that promises us by His healing stripes we are healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord. I speak into your daughter’s body and that these red lumps be healed and gone in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  12. Hello Becky, please pray for Don my 88 year old husband who had what the Ambulance Service called a vacant turn. I broke the Spirit of death over him. His observations were fine. Total healing in his eyesight and prostrate as well. Blessings. Ann

    1. Ann,
      In the name of Jesus–our Healer! I renounce the spirit of death over him. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit over him and throughout his eyes and prostate. All is healed, all is well. And both areas work 100% normal for the glory of God, amen and amen.

    2. Becky, please pray for son Joshua to be healed in his front teeth from throbbing tooth pain and infection from previous root canals. Also the bottom left side of his mouth is giving him severe pain. He was told by previous dentists that 2 bottom left broken teeth need to be removed. Also please pray for my gums to be healed and infection and receding and for my teeth to be moved back to their right position. We also need wisdom from God and finding the right dentist. Thank you and God Bless you!

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