It’s that time of the year when many people are out shopping and searching for the perfect gift for family and friends. And I have to admit that I am no exception, and I enjoy shopping during the Christmas season, and get all excited when I find just the right gift for someone. 

Today, I spent my afternoon looking at remote control cars for almost all the boys in the home. I had to explain to the clerk in the store that was helping me, that my husband and I have a children’s home and that was why I was purchasing so many remote control cars. I told her that I needed this brand of cars in the following colors and styles, and then for a few of the older boys I chose a different brand that was a bit more detailed and fragile, because they are mature enough to handle these gifts with care, and then I had to go to another brand that was on the heavy duty side, because two of the boys are a bit rougher on their things, and neither are detailed in their ways. So, by the time I chose all the remote cars, my cart was heaping full.

And while all of this is going on, there are 2 unruly boys, not mine, running around the store dodging customers. Actually one was zipping around on a bike, and the other a scooter they borrowed from the store. And when they passed by my cart, they stopped, turned around and asked me, “Are you buying all these toys?” I replied, “Yes, I am. My husband and I have a children’s home and these toys are for the children that live with us.” The curious one of the two then asked, “You got lots of kids?” I said, “Yes, I do.” He then asked me, “How many you got?” I looked him in the eye and replied, “Lots!” Then with his big, brown eyes he asks me, “Will you buy me a toy?” And you know, it’s not easy to turn down kids, especially when they are that hopeful. But with all sincerity, I explained to him, “Look, I am choosing these remote control cars for the boys in our home. I am sorry, but I can’t give you one of these gifts today.” He says, “O.K.” and he and his buddy race down the aisles again.

I share this with you today, because the Holy Spirit has just the perfect spiritual gift for you, and He takes pleasure and care to ready it for His child to open and use too. As you take note of my shopping spree this day, I bought a cart full of remote control cars, and even though they are all cars, each one is a bit different than the others. Just like my kids, each one is unique, they possess different abilities, likes and dislikes too. I tell you, I know my kids, I understand what they can handle, one likes to explore the great outdoors, and has a cheerful disposition, so he receives the yellow hummer, a number of the boys like all the bells and whistles that life has to offer, so I choose for each of them the cars with the flashing lights and sirens. Then I have the ones that are more developed in their life skills and can carefully handle fragile details, so I choose for them the fancy, little race cars with all the breakable parts, because I know they are able to handle such a responsibility. Then I’ve got two boys that are not detailed persons, are very rough with their possessions, so I need to choose a gift that is more rugged.

Let’s examine what is happening here.

  1. The boys do not choose their gift, I choose it for them.
  2. I choose the gifts according to their spiritual, emotional, and physical makeup.
  3. And I choose the gifts according to their readiness to care for the gift.

I believe the Holy Spirit has a similar criteria when handing out spiritual gifts to us too. First of all, we do not choose our own spiritual gifts, He chooses the gifts for us. He created us with supernatural DNA that compliments the body of Christ. And when He sees that we are mature in our faith He then releases the gifts. 

“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).

And do you remember from the shopping story that I shared with you that there were two unruly boys in the store, and they admired the gifts in my cart, and they even asked for me to give them a gift. But did they receive my gifts in the cart? No, they did not. Do you wonder why?

  1. They were not a member of my family.
  2. I observed that they were reckless with what they already had or were using.
  3. They were my gifts to give to whomever I willed, and I did not will to give these particular gifts to these 2 boys.

Now, don’t forget that God has a special spiritual gift for you, and is uniquely designed with you in mind, and it fits the way He created you perfectly.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

1 thought on “God Has a Perfect Spiritual Gift for You

  1. Oh becky praise the Lord
    Please pray over me .. I am too fat I do not know how to slim ..
    As a Christian I wish I should set a good example .. this year I have seen myself as a healing evangelist.. how am I going to it if I myself need healing.. pls advise me becky

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