God’s Promise of Protection

God’s Word is filled with promises for protection. But as we study His Word we see that with every promise we have a part to play. God is warning us of grave danger, but will we heed His warnings?
Years ago, while I was ministering to many people who were suffering and dying from HIV in East Africa, my heart was greatly saddened by this plague that was attacking these people. And I began to do what I know to do, intercede for the Salvation of the people, both spiritually and physically. And while doing so Holy Spirit gave me a simple vision of the Ark. In this vision, there was a warm and inviting fire inside the Ark, and those who believed in Jesus Christ were sitting securely around this little fire, with all of their needs met, while a fierce storm was raging all around them outside the safety of the Ark.
In the Book of Genesis, we read in chapter six the account of Noah and the Ark. The earth was filled with evil and all forms of corruption, and God was going to send a flood that would destroy all of humankind and every living thing on the earth–except for one man, his family, and a group of animals–to clean the earth of such physical and spiritual filth.
Noah was the only righteous man left on the earth, and he found favor in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord gave him exact instructions on how to build an ark. This ark would become the salvation for him and his family, and they would be used by God to replenish the earth. It would become the only safe place left on all the earth, and it would be for a man who dared to believe God when all others laughed and mocked him to scorn. He appeared to everyone who knew him to be the foolish one. Yet, this did not stop him from obeying the voice of the Lord, and he constructed this ark according to the word of the Lord that he heard. Despite all the criticism, this man remained faithful and did as he was instructed.
As we read the testimony of Noah these are the faith principles that guided his life:
- He was a just man.
- He was blameless and a man of integrity.
- He walked with God.
- He obeyed God.
In the seventh chapter of Genesis, we read how Noah, his family, and the animals came into the ark, and after they had entered, the Lord shut the door. The foundations of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. A grave storm was raging, and they could hear the reports of death screaming all around them, yet they remained safe inside the ark.
Just as the ark was their salvation, today the ark represents our redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. He is the only way to Salvation; there is no other way, but through him. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”, John 14:6. Will we listen to Him and heed His warnings?
In Genesis, chapter eight, we see the deliverance of Noah and his family, and every living creature that was with him.
The God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided (Genesis 8:1).
The wind God made to pass over the Earth represents the Holy Spirit, And it was by His power that the miracle they needed was released on the earth. The power of that wind continues to be released for us as well. No matter what we have need of today, His wind is blowing.
In Genesis 9:12-17, we read about the sign of the promise, the rainbow, and how God set this beautiful bow of colors in the sky as a reminder for perpetual generations to come that He would never again destroy all flesh with a flood.
In closing, regardless of the storms raging all around us, despite the grievous death reports given to us, no matter how much we are ridiculed and mocked, the wind of His Holy Spirit has been released and is blowing throughout the whole earth looking for people to show Himself strong through. He remains faithful and ever true to keep His promises to us, and He has given us instruction in His Word on how to enter into His ark of healing. The question remains, “Will we enter in?” God promises us about healing, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord. (See Jeremiah 30:17.)
*This excerpt is taken from DARE to Believe, chapter 19, on pages 307-309.
Becky Dvorak is the host of the dynamic teaching program, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, featured globally on the It’s Supernatural! Network on ISN. Join her on Mondays at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST.
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© 2021 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.