As a healing evangelist I am asked many questions concerning healing. One common question asked is, “Why do you think it is hard for Christians to receive healing? It seems most are already resigned to go the medical route because God uses doctors.” This is a reasonable question, and there is an answer for it.

It has been difficult for Christians, especially in the Western World, to receive healing because they have not been taught about faith for healing on a consistent basis.

People are willing to wait 7 to 10 days for an antibiotic to heal their bodies, because they have been taught for many years that if they take one spoonful or one tablet of this medicine, three times a day they will be healed. They are even willing to overlook physical symptoms of the illness, because they have been taught that the symptoms and the sickness will be healed as long as they take the medicine faithfully. So, their faith has been activated, they follow their doctor’s instructions, and they are healed by the medicine.

But God’s people are not willing to wait this amount of time for divine healing to manifest, because they have not been consistently taught that if they will be faithful to take God’s medicine, His Word concerning healing, three times a day, morning, noon and night, that their bodies will be healed. And because of the lack of faith teaching for healing, if they experience any type of symptom after prayer they doubt the power in God’s medicine, and are not healed.

When God’s people hear the message of faith for healing on a consistent basis and put faith for healing into action then they are healed. And not only are they healed, but they walk in divine health and avoid sickness all together.

Our faith to believe God for healing will automatically activate when we are taught the Word for healing on a consistent basis.

This is why it has been difficult for Christians to receive healing in the past, but we can change this and start to teach the healing message to those around us.


Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at


2 thoughts on “Why Is It Difficult for Christians to Receive Healing?

  1. I really struggle with this whole topic. I have suffered for a long time with multiple sicknesses. One thing I struggle with is anxiety and depression . I feel guilty taking medications because I worry if god is upset with me. I believe everyone doesn’t get healed in the same manner.

    Also, I have a degree in nursing. I guess I learned sickness. But think about it. We are actually fragile people; made out of the dirt. Think about how many people would not even be alive if there was not medications, and operations, etc. I think life is about balance.

    Some people eat whatever they want and push their temples to the end and wonder why they get ill.
    We have to work with nature, good food and water, rest and relaxation and good godly relationships and of course, worship and prayer too. If something gets out of balance , so will our health whether physical, mental , or spiritual. Anything can be taken to an extreme.

    If you are bleeding, you get a bandage and some ointment. God can use it all.

    I would appreciate a comment back if you so desire.

    Love, Mary

    1. Thank you Mary for your honest comment. I am not against the medical profession. I don’t believe that you need to feel guilty for taking medicine… I know this much, God will meet you wherever your faith is at. He loves you, and wants you healed. Just as you have studied illness and medicine and treatments, I have studied supernatural healing in Jesus. You know just as well as I do, that there are times when the medical profession cannot help us, but with God all things are possible, nothing is impossible for Him. That’s where I come in. I teach people how to believe for the miraculous. I have ministered to doctors and nurses and have seen them healed. Recently, at a healing service a beloved doctor of the community attended the healing service. He came forward for healing for his spine. He was instantly healed. I then took his hands that have delivered many babies in his community and joined them with my hands and laid them upon a pregnant woman next to us that needed a miracle from God for her unborn child. The doctor was thrilled that I included him in this. Like I said, I have ministered to many people in the medical profession and have seen amazing miracles. I appreciate your knowledge of the human body. Hugs, Becky :O)

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