Hit the "Reset" Button of Your Faith - Author Becky Dvorak
photo of woman on green grass field outdoors during daytime

Today is day 16 of this 21 Day Daniel Fast, and I know that many of you are believing, or learning to believe for a manifestation of your supernatural healing from Jesus. I feel led of the Spirit to share with you a real live situation that I received earlier today on my prayer request page. And I am sharing it with you because many of you are going through similar situations. And I want to help you heal, and I believe it is time for some of you to hit the “Reset” button of your faith.

A woman writes, “My test results from CT SCAN shows that I still have cancer, and nothing has changed. My heart and soul are glad that nothing is spreading, as we can see. I am really wanting this cancer to leave my body. I have cried till I just can’t see anymore. I am scared and worried. It is really hard to wake up thinking the cancer will not go away.”

This sister-in-the-Lord is sharing from her heart and reaching out for prayer support. Part of my calling as a healing evangelist is to teach people how to believe, and what it means to believe. In other words, what do we do and say as we stand in faith for a much-needed miracle? And along these same teaching lines, “What are we saying and doing that are hindering our healings from manifesting in our physical bodies?

Here is my response to our sister-in-Christ.

“As I read this request, I sense the need to teach you a little about the power of your words. Proverbs 18:21 clearly states that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Every word you utter is prophesying either life or death. You say, “The cancer will not go away.” Is this what you want? I don’t think so. You need to get radical in your speech and actions.

Let’s talk about, “Crying”. Yes, it is a stress reliever. But when it comes to matters of faith, it will not cause a shift in the supernatural atmosphere to cause a healing to manifest. Only faith can do this. And faith in the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus is what you need to stand on right now, and not the negative medical report.

I highly suggest that you spend some time today in prayer, and hit the “Reset” button, and start all-over, and this time do not allow the power of the negative report to control you, but use it to motivate you to press forward, and do not stop until that healing manifests.

I honestly am not trying to sound harsh but am trying to help you to heal.”

Perhaps, you are in a similar situation today, and you need to hit the “Reset” button of your faith, start over, and this time do not allow your five senses, human reasoning, medical reports and results to dictate your faith, but instead, allow them to catapult you out of the earthly realm and into the supernatural realm of the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus.

Do not allow the spirit of fear to drive you into worry and depression but snuff out that fear with words and actions of faith. Let’s pray.

“Dear Father God, 

I did not realize that I have been using the power of my words to harm my health, or present situation. I am sorry, that I aligned myself with the spirit of fear, and allowed its hellish powers to be used against me. I repent for all doubt and unbelief. I thank You, that You do understand that this battle is tough, but it is not more powerful than You. I thank You, that You do not change, but You remain strong through every storm that rises up against us. And I am drawing on Your strength, Your power, and Your might to see me through this battle. And I am grateful that when I feel weak, You remain strong, You never waiver, You never fall. If I cry out, I cry out from a heart of repentance, “Father, I believe, help my unbelief.” Holy Spirit, I ask for Your courage when I feel afraid. I ask for Your comfort when I feel sad. And I choose the supernatural power of joy today, and I allow this inward strength of Your’s to fill me and to sustain me this day. I choose to hit the “Reset” button of my faith and trust in You today. In Your mighty name, I pray, amen.”


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© 2022 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

9 thoughts on “Hit the “Reset” Button of Your Faith

  1. Thank you Becky for teaching healing and it’s accessibility just by faith.im all the way in South Africa.i watch you on YouTube several times a day especially the video that said”this words kill cancer”.it spoke volumes

  2. Thank you Becky, and God bless that woman. Her testimony is coming!!! God’s doing a mighty work in her. Maintaining an atmosphere of worship would break her into the realm to believe as well. That’s where the grace is activated.

  3. Thank you so very much. Wow. I have reset my button to move forward with strong faith and believe. I need this message that you sent has a reminder of my faith
    I thank you again.

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