Do you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks? Do you feel overwhelmed? Does your world feel like it’s caving in on all sides at once? There is help to overcome anxiety. Look to Jesus. He’s the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). He will never leave you, or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Sometimes […]

The Attacks are Real, but Our Authority is Greater!
The attacks are real, but our authority is greater! Jesus tells us in John 16:33 that in this world we will have tribulation, meaning difficult times. But Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth, (See Matthew 28:18.). And He being a giver, gave to us authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions […]

Stay Close to God, He Will Protect You (Prophetic Word)
The Lord God would say to you this day, “Know who your friends are, know who your neighbors are, and know who you can trust. For a grave darkness is passing through this earth, an evil presence like you have never witnessed before is covering the earth and will try to suffocate the very life […]

Help to Overcome Fear
I want to encourage you and give you biblical help to overcome fear. Allow the power of Holy Spirit and the Word of God to set you free from this bondage this year. Please read through these Scriptures as you watch my teaching on Facebook today. It’s time to overcome fear, and here’s help. Click […]

The Warnings are Being Sounded
The warnings are being sounded throughout the world via the Holy Scriptures and the voices of modern-day prophets. And for those who fear these times, I add another thought for you to ponder; even though it is called the “end times”, in essence it’s an end to satan and his corruption—and a brand-new beginning, like […]

It’s Time to Get Free from Fear
Your mind and emotions are being bombarded with fearful reports, but Isaiah 53:1 asks all of us an important question, “Whose report are we going to believe?”. When you believe the wrong news about the situation rising up against you, fear overtakes you and left unchecked this fear will control you. It will rob you […]

Reasons You Might Fear that God Doesn’t Care about You
Fear comes in many forms, including the fear that God doesn’t care about you. But I tell you the truth when I say that He does care about you. Let’s look at a few possible reasons you might fear that He does not. Perhaps, you were raised in a harsh environment filled with violence and […]

The Devil is in Panic Mode
The devil is in panic mode, because he knows that his time is short. And we know when people panic, they make irrational decisions, how much more our enemy, the devil. His mission is to steal, to kill, and to destroy us, and so he is working overtime to take down the human race. If […]

Dead Bones Must Rise Again Prophetic Word
The Spirit of the Living God would say to you this day, Dead bones must rise again! Shake off the sleep and the slumber. Press toward the mark of our high calling. Unleash the resurrection power of My Spirit within you. No longer be timid and shy. You have entered into a time when there […]

Hit the “Reset” Button of Your Faith
Today is day 16 of this 21 Day Daniel Fast, and I know that many of you are believing, or learning to believe for a manifestation of your supernatural healing from Jesus. I feel led of the Spirit to share with you a real live situation that I received earlier today on my prayer request […]