The Bible is filled with healing promises, but how do we activate and receive His supernatural power to heal us through His word?

  1. Study God’s healing word.

God’s Word tells us in Proverbs 4:20, “My son, give attention to My words, incline your ear to My sayings”. And Romans 10:17 tells us what happens when we give attention to God’s word. It says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”.

In order for faith to arise for supernatural healing we need to read and study the Bible concerning healing. And not just read it occasionally but on a consistent basis. Consume God’s healing promises until His word become more real to us then the symptoms, sickness, or negative report.

I’ve had to take control of my thoughts, and fight the flesh to stay in His presence in His healing word to overcome negative thoughts from the enemy, pain, and symptoms. And I have found if I will not give up the good fight of faith His healing power prevails in my body.

Take this even further, and start to pray and fast while you fill yourself with the Word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you His divine revelation of His promise to heal you. He wants us to understand His word, and is willing to show us how to activate His healing power in our life.

Once our healing manifests, then we need to learn to walk in divine health by the continuation of our study in the healing message.

  1. Focus on God’s word, not on symptoms.

Proverbs 4:21 tells us, “Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart.” I find it interesting that we are admonished not to let His words depart from our eyes. We need to purpose in our hearts that we are going to focus our spiritual eyes on His healing promises and not on the ailments. Also, it says that we are to keep His words in the midst of our hearts. Guard His healing promises, don’t allow the enemy to steal the Lord’s promise to heal as you fight off symptoms with the Word of God.

  1. Stand firm on God’s healing promises.

Proverbs 4:22 tells us the blessing that comes from standing firm on His words. “For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.” It also says in Ephesians 6:13, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.”

Life and health are the blessings that come from a lifestyle that is built upon the word of God. And this is God’s battle plan for you to heal and to stay healthy. And this is how you can receive your healing through His word.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “How to Receive Healing through God’s Word

  1. In the past week or so, I have been reading through Psalm 119 (with son Jonathan, for whom we are praying for healing) at my side. I keep reading that healing and deliverance comes according to God’s Word:
    vs 25: “My vitality clings to the dust, revive me according to Your Word”
    vs 28: “My vitality melts because of heaviness, raise me up according to Your Word”
    vs 41: “May Your lovingkindness also come to me, O Lord; Your deliverance according to Your Word”
    vs 45: “I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts”
    vs 50: “This is my comfort in my affliction; that Your Word has revived me”
    vs 55: “Oh Lord, I speak out Your Name in adversity, and attend to Your law”
    vs 81: “My vitality languishes for Your deliverance, I hope in Your Word”
    vs 92: “If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction”

    1. I am a firm believer in the healing power of God and I am standing on the word for my own personal healings. The one thing I keep getting hung up on is that I believe we can open the door to the enemy to put sickness etc on us…if those things aren’t repented of and dealt with, can we still receive healing? How do I know if this is the case? I feel that this thought interferes with me receiving the healing that I KNOW Jesus paid for and wants me to walk in. Any thoughts on this? Thanks

      1. Jesus healed and man that was in sin. He later told the man to not sin anymore lest something worse came upon him. So, yes, we can recei e God’s healing power even if our lives are have issues. Another passage says that crowds came and touched Jesus’ clothes & they were all healed. So there’s hope for us. Even if you did let the devil in Jesus’ promise of healing is still for you. Repent , of course, & then go boldly to the throne of grace and receive your Father’s provision for you! Healing is the children’s bread. You’re God’s child you have a right to receive it.

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