I know Jesus is able, but is He willing to heal me? Perhaps you believe that Jesus is able to heal, but struggle with doubt as to whether or not He is willing to heal you. Until you discover the answer to this question you will not be able to stand in faith and believe for your healing.

In Luke 5:12, there is a man that asks Jesus the same question. “And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”” He knows Jesus can heal, but he’s not sure if He is willing to heal him.

Jesus responds to this man in verse 13, “Then He put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him.” And just as Jesus is willing to heal this man from leprosy, He is willing to heal you too. This is why Jesus receives whippings and sheds His blood for you in Isaiah 53:5, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.” NKJ

He is willing to heal you!

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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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