Everyone struggles with the power of the human will, but did you realize that you can actually have victory over its control? Watch and listen as we discover what happens in the Garden of Gethsemane. And why you can now have victory over the control of the human will in your life.


Becky Dvorak is a healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

2 thoughts on “Jesus Overcomes the Human Will

  1. You are right. Jesus did suffer very badly. All I have to say is that we can overcome but none of us are perfect and none of us are in perfect harmony with the father all of the time. Even Paul said, “The things I don’t want to do I do and the things I want to do I don’t” So, even Paul had a battle going on inside of him and he said it was sin that lived in his members. I am not using this as an excuse for sinning by any means. There is noone perfect except Jesus and He deserves all of the glory.

    Thanks for your posts and God bless you today and every day.

    1. Dear Mary,
      Thanks for the blessing! I agree we are not perfect, only Jesus is. And because of what Jesus suffered we CAN walk in His victory over sin and temptation if we choose to. It doesn’t mean this will be easy. It wasn’t easy for Jesus to overcome, but He did. And we can follow after His example and with His help we will overcome.


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