We are learning about faith from others every day. If we will humble ourselves we will learn new things every day. When it comes to learning I purpose in my heart to learn something new about faith every day. One way to learn about faith is by observing it in the lives of others around us. And I literally confess this with the words of my own mouth. And as someone shares something I’ve not known, or not thought about it in that way before I confess aloud, “This is my new thing I’ve learned today.”

I am a strong advocate for the prophetic and healing power of our words. And I purposefully work this truth into my daily life. Look to those around you, and readily learn from them, both young and old, and everyone else in between. And begin to prophesy the life lessons about the faith truths they learned into your life situations.

I learn from the experience of my elders. I grew up as the baby of the family. So I naturally was surrounded by people that were older than myself. And I was raised in a rural community, and my extended family were my neighbors—practically everyone around me was a relative. I grew up listening and learning from their life experiences, both good and bad. And I witnessed how their faith in God carried them through to the victory or how their lack of faith in Jesus brought them to destruction.

But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Titus 2: 1-5.

From the young children I discover powerful truths about what faith actually is—trust. Trusting in another’s faithfulness. Believing without question that they have our best interest at heart. And it’s this practical life example how we are to live out our faith in Christ—complete trust, not doubting His faithfulness, or that He has our best interest at heart.

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14.

And I observe and learn about what great faith is from the daily struggles and triumphs of others around me.

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, Titus 2:7.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16.


The more I learn about faith, the more I clearly see how much more there is to learn. But if we will determine within our own hearts to learn something new every day about faith, our faith will continue to grow. And in return for our learning about faith our faith in God will be observed by others to learn how to walk in daily victory by our faith in our Lord and Savior—Jesus Christ.  

Next time, we will discuss growing our faith by studying God’s Word.

Click here to purchase your copy of Becky’s book, “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, and learn how to decree faith, and much more.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

14 thoughts on “Learning about Faith from others

  1. Dear Becky,

    what types of fasting could you give me an example of?

    My thoughts are, I used to watch a lot of TV now I don’t.

    I’ve given that up as a fasting, I used to listen to music in my vehicle, I gave that up as a fasting.

    I’ve actually spent time with Jesus, trying to at least. Sometimes distraction like my phone and the apps catch my eye.

    So I’ve learned to give up my phone, and any of the apps if possible.

    1. Hey Becky I am in need of prayer I was in a fatal car accident July 15th which has caused me to form vocal paralysis and vocal damage my voice is very weak and I often can’t speak at all and this injury has caused me to go into a great depression cause I miss being able to breathe normally and to sing singing is any always be my dream please pray in agreement with me about my nerves coming alive and getting my life back so I can use my singing and voice for ministry

      1. Ryan,
        In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and all negative results from this car accident. Spirit of death get off of Ryan now! I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your entire being. I renounce all paralysis to your voice and damage to your vocal chords. I say be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord. Now put your faith in action and begin to speak and sing even if it appears that you are only moving your tongue. Even if nothing moves at first keep it up. Amen.

  2. Dear Theresa, I agree with Becky’s prayer over you.I have asked the Lord to always keep you in my prayers.Keep a good opinion about God.It is impossible for Him to lie.He said He will never leave you nor forsake you.He said nothing can separate you from His love.Believe in your mind and heart that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Take every negative thought captive.Jesus had to. You are God’s “Cara Mia Theresa”. Your are His beloved Theresa.
    You will walk around your house with the integrity of your heart.Sing and speak of His love for you.Dance with Him.Remember that Jesus was a carpenter.He knows how to fix your house.
    .Oswald Chambers once said,” The beauty of the grace of God is that He could make the past as though it had never been”.Allow God to erase the past pain.
    Graham Cooke presents the story of a young man,Joe King. God gave him the song “I will always love you”.You can find it on You tube.
    Will pray,Linda

    1. Karanja,
      In the mighty name of Jesus’, your healer, I renounce the spirit of premature death and diabetes and arthritis harming your physical body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your pancreas and declare that it is clean, healed, recreated and made whole for the glory of the Lord. I renounce all symptoms that have latched onto you as well. I speak healing to your eyes, and declare by faith that they are recreated, pain free and see 20/20. I speak to your joints and the marrow of your bones to be renewed, refreshed and pain free for the glory of our Lord. Be healed and made whole in the redemptive name of Jesus, amen.

  3. Hello Becky, I have a question do you have your book Dare to Believe in Spanish? If so where can I purchase some? Thanks

  4. Prayers needed, please. My 45 year marriage has ended. My Ex had relations with other women since year five. My parents advised me to, “stay in the marriage for the children.” At that time, I believed perhaps God sent me this man to show him HIS love. My Ex remained atheist throughout the marriage. I am happy that this evil has been removed from my life. In Court, he lied about finances, lied about our relationship and lied about his age. I come to you, needing prayers for my finances. He has amassed several hundred thousands dollars, and he, according to his lies, owes me nothing. I was left with our home of 30 years, during which he did nothing to maintain. It is is dire need of repair, before I can sell it to downsize. I live on a very small SSA salary, and cannot afford to keep the house operating for much longer. I lost my health insurance also. Approaching 70 years, I am struggling only in this world. I have Jesus for all I need. This world wants payment for taxes, heat, utilities, etc. I am a happier person now, and I thank Jesus daily for all those blessings. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Dear Theresa,
      I declare that no weapon formed against you will prosper, no evil will come near your dwelling, every lying tongue set on fire against you will be exposed, silenced and brought to shame. We raise up the standard of the blood of Jesus and declare that every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the redemption of Jesus bow before His throne of grace. I demand that the enemy, satan pay Theresa back 7 times of all that you have stolen. I declare restoration for all that has been lost or stolen. And recompense for all injury and loss, amen and amen.

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