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I am reading Dare to Believe, I’m grateful for this material to help guide me along my path. I believe… I was first introduced to the law of attraction in the book the Secret, later to discover dare to believe. Thank you!
Dare to Believe is about the true power of faith to walk in divine healing and miracles. I pray that your faith will increase to receive your miracle from Jesus.
Becky, It was such a joy to meet you during your visit to Venice, Florida. W e are looking forward to your return in March. You are welcome to stay with me anytime while you are here. I need to get your mailing address, so I can mail you a check from a person that purchased your book. You can email me at gskapyal@aol.com and advise me. God’s blessing on you as you continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jan Skapyak
Jan, I had a wonderful time with you and the other ladies. And I look forward to returning to the area in March.
Hugs, Becky :O)