There is such a need for physical healing on this earth–both inside and outside of the Church. And we, the people of God have been given such an amazing gift from God to release healing to those around us. This amazing gift is the power of our faith-filled spoken words. But more often than not, our own tongues need healing.

The tongue of the Church has become so negative and worldly it’s difficult to hear a difference between them. It’s all too common and acceptable to hear God’s people claiming sickness, disease, and pain as their own. Instead of exercising their God-given authority over these things, and cursing the works of satan in their bodies, and releasing the healing power of the Holy Spirit into them. Many of God’s people even frown upon those of us that choose to do as the Word says and speak life and healing into our bodies. Generally speaking, the tongue of the Church needs healing.

God creates the power of the tongue to release healing, to create miracles, and to build one another up in the faith–not to tear down and discourage one another. Learn to be wise and release healing into your physical body and to others around you.

Bless your body with these healing words from the Scriptures:

The joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Laughter is my medicine (Proverbs 17:22).

My sleep is sweet (Proverbs 3:24).

I will run and not grow weary; I will walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

My faith makes me well (Luke 8:48).

By His stripes I a healed (Isaiah 53:5).


Click here to learn about the power of your words in  Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


23 thoughts on “Our Tongues Need Healing

  1. Pastora Becky, shalom blessed be the name of the Lord on high. Thank you very much to all of your time & effort, it gives me strength & hope in my family conditions. We grow up w/ the mother of “mentally illness” it’s in & out, trauma & tormented to me & my siblings, reason we grow up , rejected, hurted, in pain , low self esteem & people making fun to us even our own relatives.
    When i become Christ believers, I notice me & my siblings are having wounded soul & self pity.
    We are all adult now, having hard time taking care of our mother, I see to it we are in bondage too of high blood pressure, stress & can not be totally successful in life. I been praying ,
    doing your teaching & I am believing keep asking the Father, what should I miss ? I do breaking generational curse, deliverance & inner healing too, many known evangelist prayed over us too. Pls help us how to be free in this bondage. If you have time can you please counsel me over the phone. Thank you very much ‘ God bless you more.

  2. Dear Becky,

    I love hearing about all the miracles that the Lord has manifested. Please pray for a miracle of healing and deliverance from this tinnitus and partial hearing loss that started 7 months ago.

    Please also ask the Lord for healing from head to toe: success in my Psychology private practice and in selling my artwork; and in finally meeting my God chosen marriage partner.

    Thank you Becky and that you Lord!

    1. Kavita, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce tinnitus and hearing loss. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow into your ears and that your nerves are healed, ringing stop, hearing is restored as all parts of the inner ears are recreated and realigned for the glory of God, amen.

  3. Becky, my neighbor is in hospice care at in his home. I only spoke to him once about a year ago. He had been battling cancer, now they’ll be carrying him out. When I spoke with him he said “maybe God will heal me.” But I knew he needed more. I feel terrible I didn’t get to know his situation. Honestly I wish I could just pray from my house and this would turn around! His name is Bruce. I doubt I will have the courage to go over there. It seems too late. How effective can I be praying from my house? This is awful.

    1. Dear S,
      When you say now they will be carrying him out, does this mean he already passed away? If not, I would encourage you to go over there and offer to pray with them. Find out what is on the heart of this man and his family. Perhaps, they are believing for someone to come over and pray healing over him. Maybe they are not open to physical healing, but perhaps they need prayer for salvation. Go over and visit Bruce.

      1. I went over and talked with a family friend. He has a pastor and apparently knows salvation. She didn’t seem too open but said she would tell him I stopped by. It’s got to be painful. Seems like shorter days would be better. She said keep praying. Thanks Becky, bless you.

  4. Thank you Jesus and Becky as an instrument of Holy GLORY! Welcome ? to America… Pray with me for the harvest today! In His Grace, Madalyn

    1. Madalyn,
      I pray for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit to be upon the USA. That this truly is the great rival of all times, starting with repentance, and then moving into true worship and commitment to God. Mighty spiritual warriors will rise up and take their positions and the people of God will not hold back from speaking the truth in these last days in love, winning the lost and dying to Jesus, amen.
      Becky :O)

  5. Hi Becky, I just finished reading your book Dare to Believe. It is a very good book! I am putting my faith into action! Definitely have to watch our words! My husband Tim has had a planters wart or callus on his foot, so I took a picture of it and I put my hand over it and cursed it at the seeds and roots and shrivel up and be gone in the name of Jesus! Stay tuned! I am sending the before and after picture of his foot! I believe for healing! To God be Glory! Thank you for good teaching! Vicky

  6. Dear mam Becky,
    My name is Aillen Amparo.I leave in the Philippines. I need your healing prayer request today. I have a thyroidism since 2017. There’s something develop in my throat and it caused me so worried and depressed .
    Please pray for me to become mature, honestly I’m so immatured thinking like a childish…..
    And also pray me to serving God. Because I want to be like you.. hope you understand my English…,☺️☺️??

    1. Hello Aillen,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this growth in your throat. I curse it at its very seed and command it to shrivel up at the roots and be eliminated from your body, never to return again.
      I renounce this spirit of fear, and speak peace into your mind and emotions for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      And your goal is to be like Jesus.

      Becky :O)

  7. Mrs. Becky thank you for the scriptures. I always share your word with my family. I was thinking about you today. Was wondering what your message would be. Please be in agreement with me concerning my grandson Freddy. The Doctor gave him his results and it names alot of foods that he is allergic too. By Jesus stripes he is heal. God continue to bless you , family and ministry. Blessings Yolie

    1. Yolanda,
      In the name of Jesus’ we curse the source of these food allergies. We speak recreation to the immune system and that it is healed, and the body is fortified by the redemptive blood of Jesus and accepts these different foods for God’s glory and Freddy’s well-being, amen.

      Becky :O)

  8. I met a nurse st my docto’s office. She asked who I was, as she held my chart in her hand. I thought her concern was security, but she said there was something about me that looks different. First time Zi saw her, so I asked what she meant. I told her I was a prayer warrior. She immediately said, ‘God only heals certain people.’ I told her Jesus already paid for all our healing, we need to collect it.

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