People need healing now! They are desperate for healing. Never underestimate the power of healing, whether it be your healing or the healing of another in these trying times. Healing points to the Messiah. It proves that the God you have been professing all these years is real. This is why the enemy fights so hard against this message. He is afraid of the fruit of Salvation that is harvested through healing.

Take the limits off of God about who can and who cannot be healed. Throughout all these years of ministering healing to people around the world, I stand amazed at just who receives their healing and who doesn’t receive what God has for them. I have witnessed the most rebellious people on the streets receive instant healing, and they are so amazed that in the midst of all their rebellion that someone reached out in the name of Jesus’ and they were healed.

I’m speaking about one man from the streets of Guatemala who was waiting to have an operation to amputate digits because gangrene had set in real bad, and they were instantly healed and when he climbed up on the operating table the doctors were wondering why he was even there.

Another young rebellious teenage boy screaming obscenities in our faces because he hated the One we represented–God, but when his freshly broken arm (that had been broken in a gang fight earlier that day) was instantly healed, he stopped his filthiness and was able to listen and hear us.

How about all the young kids with STD on the streets that were instantly healed. How about the dead baby in the womb of a young prostitute that came back to life instantly when healing hands were placed upon the womb of that young, lost lady. These miraculous healings testify louder than our words that God is alive and well and he loves and cares about them.

God is just waiting for us to activate our faith on behalf of other people. And when we do–great things happen.

How about your next door neighbor? You hear that they are sick and dying from cancer, or that people around you are suffering from this Coronavirus. What are you going to do about it? Will you take the risk of rejection and reach out in the name of the Lord and share the love of God with them through a healing touch? Do you understand the impact you can start to have all around you in these troubling times?

Romans 15:18-19 says to us,For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient— in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.

If you will wield the power of signs and wonders you can win both Jew and Gentile in greater numbers to the Lord in these turbulent days.


Click here to learn about overcomeing deadly pandemics and more in  Becky’s new book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

11 thoughts on “People Need Healing Now

  1. Dear Becky ,
    I need desperate , urgent healing in my body :
    Blocked jugular veins
    Chiari malformation
    Narrowing of spinal cord
    Spinal fluid cysts
    Spinal fluid leaks

    I’m in agonizing pain / bed ridden 24/7 .. it’s a miserable existence .

    Please Jesus take me or heal me .

    1. Dearest Debra, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this attack of death over you. I speak to the jugular veins to be unblocked, these issues with the spine to be healed, cleansed and made whole and that your body is full of the life of Christ, amen.

  2. Becky , please in Jesus mighty, name release healing on my body

    Chiari brain malformation
    Spinal fluid leak in spinal cord at sacrum
    Possible spinal fluid leak in cranium
    Narrowing of spinal column at brain stem , numbness in legs, feet, hands, arms , blurry vision ,
    Lyme / autoimmune
    The constant pain is excruciating . No quality of life . House bound / bed bound …
    10 months ago I was healthy and happy . The enemy attacked horribly overnight … literally . Doctors and procedures , repeated CT scans , MRI dye has made me much worse .

    I’m praying daily … please pray . I need miracle healing immediately . Getting worse .

  3. Hello Becky Dvorak,
    Please pray for me I need healing I have stomach Gases and ulcers for over 1 year,hospital treatment has not helped.
    I believe God will heal me through you as he continues to use you in healing many people.

    1. Hello Jonathan,
      In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your stomach and into these ulcers and to cleanse them from bad bacteria and excessive acid. I speak healing and peace into your stomach and that the amount of acid in your stomach is supernaturally balanced, and that your stomach lining is recreated, the sores are healed and pain is gone in Jesus’ name, amen.

  4. Praise the lord Becky,please help me and my husband and two sons we are in very bad conditions sickness and family falling a part.shalom

    1. Dear Mary,
      In the name of Jesus’, your family’s healer and deliverer, I renounce the sickness that has come upon your husband and sons. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through them to cleanse them and heal them from all impurities that are making them sick. I speak life, healing, strength and restoration over them and your family relationships too. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

      1. Becky please pray for my total healing and deliverance…I have pains all over my body for the last 3 months…but the pains are mostly in the hands…i even get pins and needles all over…doctors cant seem to see any ailment…xrays..scan have been made to no avail..
        Pains intensify at night..

        1. Dear Christine, in the name of Jesus’ I curse this pain and the source of it. I plead the blood of Jesus over your nerves that they are healed, the entire system is recreated, healed, strengthened and made whole, with no more swelling or pain in Jesus’ name, amen.

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