Allow me to stir up the gift that is within you, the prophetic healing power of your words. Being fully aware that every word we speak is either building up or it is tearing down something or someone. And in this prayer of safety from our enemies, we are going to create an atmosphere with words of faith and decree a separation between their evil and ourselves. Let’s begin to create this wall of protection around ourselves and our loved ones in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah, the anointed One, the Christ.

In the name of my Lord, my God, in whom I trust, I declare the word of the Lord from Psalm 91 and begin to construct a high tower for us to take shelter within, as we abide in His shadow. I begin with the foundation, the power of the blood of Christ. I plead all this power, and I renounce the wicked attacks of our main enemy, satan, that serpent of old, and those that operate in his ways against us.

Holy Spirit, open our spiritual eyes to see the traps that our enemies have laid out to ensnare us with their lies and cunning ways of the anti-Christ. Spirit of the Living-God, continue to lead us and guide us into all truth. May we be on the alert and recognize the roaring lion who seeks to devour us. (See 1 Peter 5:8.) And may we catch him and bring him down instead of him trampling upon us. May we learn to properly wield all the authority given to us by Christ, Himself (See LK. 10:19.) to trample upon all serpents and scorpions. And may we behead every serpent and destroy all the painful stings of the scorpions around us. You create us to lead and not to trail behind. And as Your kings and priests upon this earth, (See REV. 5:10.) we take up our rightful positions in Your kingdom, the kingdom of God and we lead your people into peace and safety.

We continue to declare Your power to deliver us from the deadly pestilence that has and is being released from hell’s dungeon. We proclaim words full of faith that, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and we condemn every lying tongue set on fire against us.” (See IS. 54:17.) We choose this day Whom we will serve, and as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” (See JOSH. 24:15.) No matter where this leads us, we will keep our eyes fixed upon the face of our Lord, (see HEB. 12:2) and finish the race set before us. We will not grow faint, (See IS. 40:31.) or allow our efforts to fizzle, but we will stay on the straight and narrow path, (See Matt. 7: 13-14.) And we will cling to these truths found in God’s Word, “We are more than conquerors”, (See ROM. 8:37.) “And we overcome and conquer him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of our testimony, for we do not love our life and renounce our faith even when faced with death. (See REV. 12:11, AMP.)


*Declare this prayer of safety from our enemies every day in the name of our Lord, Messiah, Jesus, the Anointed One over you and your loved ones, starting now.


© 2022 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


Click on the following link to learn about my next online healing course that begins January 31, 2023.

Prophetic & Healing Power of Your Words Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

7 thoughts on “A Prayer of Safety from Our Enemies

  1. Dear Pastor Becky. Please pray for my son Zainodeen. He is very sick and, can’t eat. He is weak and lying in bed. He was stabbed a few years ago and the wound is paining with inflamation. He is also addicted to drugs and other self made substances. Pray for healing and deliverance and his salvation. Thank you. To god be the glory. Thank you lordJesus

  2. I love that book and all the books you have written which it was so part of me that I could just recite them in warfare declarations. But still relying on the book. I will get there if I am persistent Thank you Becky.

    1. Dear Rev. Sophia, I am glad that the messages of the books are playing such an important part of your life. And it’s okay to read the warfare declarations aloud from the book. You believe in the power of your spoken words, you believe in God’s healing promises, and you live in what you say. So, it is working! :O)

  3. Thank you, Becky. This is a great prayer. Hey, are you going to do the Daniel Fast again this January? Marie Ball

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