Luke 1: 26-27 says, “Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.”

The Father sent His angel Gabriel to this earth to deliver a message to Mary that would change her life. Did you know that He still sends angels to this earth to minister to His people? The Bible says concerning these angels in Hebrews 1:14, “Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” AMP

We need to learn to take the limits off of God, and allow Him to minister to us as He wills. Many believers are receiving angelic visitations from the Lord. I know I have had angelic activity in my life, and I expect even more ministry in this way. How about you? Where are you at in your spiritual walk with the Lord? Will you allow Him to send His ministering angels to minister to you?

Here is my petition to the Lord for you this day.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask You to send forth your angels to minister to the needs of my dear friends this day. That many will see, hear and receive a special angelic touch from You that will heal them in spirit, soul and body.

For those that are fighting against a spirit of death that they receive a divine healing touch and they will rise from their deathbeds completely healed.

And for all that are suffering from physical pain, sickness and disease I ask that Your ministering angels will encompass them and release their physical healing this very moment.

I pray for others that are fighting against a spirit of deception that they will receive a message of truth that will set them free, and lead them down the path of repentance, and back into the arms of the Heavenly Father.

Holy Spirit, send forth Your angels that will minister love, and acceptance to those that are contemplating suicide today. Give them the message of hope that is needed to choose life and to carry on to the victory that comes only from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

For those that are in the place of major decisions today, that will affect the lives of them and their families, release Your ministering angels and strengthen them to do what is right according to Your Word.

Whatever the need may be, I ask that You will release Your angels to minister to them by the power of Your grace.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

3 thoughts on “A Prayer For the Assistance of Ministering Angels


    Greetings BECKY D.,
    I BELIEVE GOD led me here. Asking prayer for GOD to cut off my enemies heads(HIS WORDS NOT MINE). Also pray against death/suicide for me & children(3).

    Also pray thT GOD SEND ANGELIC assistance to fight against witchcraft altars & Ancestral foundations. She has already tried to kill me and now someone else has tried. I NEED THE ANGELIC HISTS THIS MINUTE TO FIGHT ENEMIES THAT ARE COMING TONHER HOUSE TOMMORROW. She & my brother have decided to lie together to get me to crazy hospital. I condemn, denounce, rebuke & refute all lies from these people. We are talking a(mother) enemy for life. GODs LEADING ME TO ASK FOR ANGELS ASSISTANCE IN THIS MATTER. ID ALSO LIKE TO SEE THEM INTERVENING.



    1. Pastor Zion, I declare that no weapon formed against you, your family and your ministry shall prosper. No evil powers of witchcraft may come near you or your dwelling. And EVERY lying tongue set on fire against you will be silenced, exposed and brought to shame. I pray for an inner healing to take place in your mind and emotions and that with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ you are able to rise up and forgive all that have hurt you, amen and amen.

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