Word of the Lord—January 7, 2020

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day,

“The heavens are open, and the oil is pouring.

It is pouring down upon My people for this last hour.

For this last hour you will need the refreshing of My Spirit.

Your lamps must stay lit in this dark hour that is quickly coming upon you.

And along with your lit lamps you must have the extra oil to maintain the power of that light within you.

The last great harvest is ready, but yet, only a few are willing to harvest.

I am calling upon the strength of My remnant in this dark hour to bring them, the lost onto Me.

Bring them swiftly onto Me, before they are lost for an eternity.

With all boldness, take a stand for Me and My righteousness.

This stance will cause tribulations to manifest all around you,

But know even through the tribulations I am with you.

I will never leave you, I am with you throughout all eternity.

My oil longs to burn out all impurities within you.

Allow My cleansing power to have its way with you.

For out from this fiery cleansing comes forth the Bride who is without spot or wrinkle.

This is the day that I have made.

And this day is for the refreshing of My people.

Be filled and overflowing with the power of My Spirit.

For this is the only way to move forward in these last days—in the power of My might.

In your own strength you cannot overcome the power of the antichrist, but in My strength alone I have made you an overcomer, a conqueror, more than a conqueror—created to win, and over power that enemy of old.

The Remnant come forth—those who are willing to follow after Me and remain obedient to My commands, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”


To learn more Click here to purchase your signed copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death”

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

47 thoughts on “Remnant, Come Forth –Prophetic Word

  1. Dear Becky reading your prophetic word on the for 2020. has got me reaching out to you for prayer
    I have been battling acid reflux and it’s awful pain and bloating and lack of sleep. I have been crying out
    For my healing so I can be a worker for the harvest So many are lost and hurting

    This reflux is getting worse there is nothing the medical profession can do except give drugs I have
    Been saying the prayer from the book on prophetic words. I feel there is something I am doing wrong
    Please pray for healing and strength and determination to press in
    Love and Godbless

    Monique. Australia

    1. Monique, our words have the power of life and death in them. It is vital that we put a guard on what we say, at all times. Instead of crying out to God for your healing, do what He says to do–speak life and death correctly over yourself. God is not withholding your healing. We need to learn to operate in His kingdom principles correctly. Curse the sickness, the disease, the power of the enemy coming against you. Bless God–your healer, and your deliverer. Speak life, healing and health over every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body, in the name of Jesus, amen and amen.

      1. My dearest Becky
        Thank you for your reply in my quiet time this morning I got that too. In the fuzzy head due to lack of sleep guess my attention is on just keeping myself together to accomplish each day’s tasks
        Thank you for your words I am determined to live in His Presence in every practical way the prophetic words are encouraging all your books are encouraging and helpful Thank you dear Becky for who you are and all you do How I wish to physically sit under your teachings However, I praise the Lord for you and your family and the example you are to the rest of us God’s abundant blessings be upon you and His protection over you and all yours in 2020
        Love and blessings

  2. Our whole congregation has been praying since last July 2019 for Kari, 40ish Christian single adoptive mom who has been ill, in and out of hospital. Now near death in hospital. Kidney disease, 2 operations to remove stones, couldn’t, body won’t hold potassium, blood pressure has plummeted, creatinine high. Lost weight down to 100 lb, she is 5’7″ and is skeleton like. Please agree with us for her healing. Thanks!

    1. Kathy,
      In the name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of death and kidney disease. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout her kidneys and cleanse them from all impurities in His mighty name, amen. **Now you all have a part to play in this, you need to speak life, healing and strength over her ONLY, no more of the negative reports, but ONLY the report of the Lord. By His stripes she is healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  3. Hello Becky
    Please pray for me sabrina espinoza brain lesions are healed non cancer, I refused med
    Eye light sensitivity , dry eyes ,neck back , balance and focal view is healed , buring feet, humming in my ear , any thing going on physically is healed, my soul and heart of hurts emotional as well
    I receive holy spirt life within my body I grow stronger everyday , I have 4 children , pray for my daughters are protected and son my son free from asthma , and my husband free from evil spirts n alcohol
    death of fear n doubts, any negative thoughts are gone thank you god bless amen amen

    1. Sabrina,
      In the name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of death over your body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your brain. I curse lesions and command them to be healed and made whole. I speak to the issues with your eyes, neck, back, ears, feet and that they are all healed, the nerves are at peace. I declare no more suffering in your body or in your children’s bodies. I declare you are all healed, made whole and your body part function 100% normal, amen.

    1. Angela, My next healing event is at: Feb 7/8, 2020 — Austin, Texas —
      Angels Healing and Recovery Church, (inside Sunrise Community Church)
      4430 Manchaca Rd.
      Austin, TX 78745
      Pastor George and Paula Crisp
      Friday, Feb 7-9pm (free)
      Saturday, Feb 8- 10am-12noon, 2-4pm, 7-9pm ($20)
      Sign up on Eventbrite: ‘Becky Dvorak Healing Conference Austin TX’
      For Friday night:
      For Saturday:

      And there are other events and more being added on my events page if Austin, TX does not work out for you.
      Becky :O)

    2. Hello Becky, my name is Tanya and I was diagnosed with Graves disease and thyroid eye disease 11 months ago. The doctors say that i have 3 options, take radioactive iodine and kill my thyroid, have it taken out or take medication until i choose to have one of those done. I have faith that God will heal me but need prayer please. I want to find the root cause of why or how this autoimmune disease started and wisdom for healing. Thank you for your prayers and I say “yes” to my healing Amen!

      1. Tanya,
        In the name of Jesus I renounce a spirit of premature death over you. I curse graves and thyroid disease over you and speak life, healing, strength in to your being this day, amen.

  4. AMEN! I receive this word, the deepest desire of my heart is that no one would perish so I say Amen again Lord clean me up and empower me to do what I was created for. God Bless you Becky and thank-you.

  5. Greeting in Jesus name
    As an instrument of god I need you to intercede for me to break the power of the enemy and deliver me and set me free completely.
    I need a breakthrough in all areas in my life. Living under the generation blessings.I suddenly have pain in my right eye and knees and feet. A touch of god’s mighty hand of protection from the fiery dart of the enemy.
    Thank you for your prayers for my total healing, deliverance and restoration in Jesus name. AMEN
    May you and your ministry be blessed and used for HIS GLORY HAPPY NEW YEAR
    God’s blessing always

    1. Sunshine,
      First of all, there is healing power in the Word of God. The more you are in His Word, the more His healing power will rearrange, change and heal every area of your life, amen!
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death attacking your eyes, knees and feet. I release the creative and regenerative power into your being, be healed and made whole–every cell, tissue, organ and system be healed and function 100% normal for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  6. Thank you so much Becky xx I’ve just started a new job and I’m exhausted already and have chronic tinnitus 24/7. I need strength in every part of my life and healing. Thank you. All things are possible with faith. Amen

    1. Jill, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this tinnitus and exhaustion in your body. I speak to your inner ears to be at peace, to be healed, and for the ringing to stop. I speak peace to you mind and emotions and that you sleep sound and go through all the necessary cycles of sleep to wake up refreshed. I speak inner healing to your soul (mind and emotions) I declare you are healed according to Isaiah 53:4-5 in spirit, soul (mind and emotions) and in your physical being as well, amen.

  7. Amen sister Becky I am prepared to stand and be bold.
    I am called as a prophet myself.
    Please I would like you to join in prayer with me that my blood pressure will be health levels and that all numbness will be gone in Jesus name. My savour and Lord bore all sickness for me

    1. Leonora,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this high blood pressure and the cause behind it. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your being and cleanse it from all impurities, and declare your BP healed and made whole, amen.

  8. My comment has to do with your book, “Greater than Magic.” I was almost finished with it, to find out that a page or some pages is missing in the back. I was reading about the witch doctor who came to you for deliverance from fear. In my book, the end is on page 152 with the words “Then he.” Could you please possibly email me the rest?


  10. Thank Becky. The refreshing is true prophetic word. Of late I am seeing in the scriptures new revelations like never before this is bringing a fresh understanding of His message. Keep ministering His word.

  11. Please explain what it means to have EXTRA oil – I agree this is a definite word from the Lord- I’ve bought all four of your books and have questions- is it alright to write you in an email or which do you prefer? I tell so many to watch your videos and about healing- your wisdom and boldness in Christ is so needed in the Church and it’s catching- blessings-

    1. Robin,
      Extra oil comes from the parable of the 10 virgins. The 5 wise virgins carried extra oil that the 5 foolish virgins asked them to give to them because they did not have it. They were not prepared.

      1. So the “extra oil” is being all right in for yourself with the Holy Spirit and others have to do the same, i.e., no one is “grandfathered in”, so to speak. Our relationship with the Lord is individually maintained, and spend all the time I can with Him, being prepared. (Took me all day but now I understand) the 10 Virgins parable is clearer to me now. thank you for responding so quickly. ?

        1. Amen to prophetic word! I TRULY believe it with all my heart. Got alot of unsaved family I hope will be a part of this harvest. The Lord is coming SOON…we know that for sure. The Lord bless you, your family and your ministry.

  12. Hello Becky , I’m Jose Luis , from Argentina, what do you think about President Trump and Iran, could it be the WWIII? Are we near of the rapture? Blessings from Argentina , God Bless you

    1. Jose,
      I believe we are living in the last days, and that we will all need to take a personal stand for Jesus. I believe President Trump is called to be the president of the US for such a time as this… And yes, I believe we are close to the rapture. I do not believe it is biblical to give dates, but we will know the season. We are in the season of the last days.

  13. Thank you Becky.I am going through a cleansing like never before. Some days I feel like I’m going to collapse, but with His help I get stronger. This word speaks deep to me and encourages me to stand bold and strong. The attacks have been so severe but my dependence on Him is becoming stronger than ever. Thank you for sharing this Word. Becky be blessed be strong and keep feeding us. We need you.❤

  14. It is so refreshing to see such great faith coming from Australia. Were was Jesus in the storm He was with His disciples. Jesus is with us whatever comes around us. He is with us to bring us through to victory. Monique you encouraged me. Thank you.

  15. Amen Amen Amen. Happy new year Becky. I wish you all the best during this year. May the Lord bless your ministry and save more lives and heal more people through your ministry.

  16. Thank you Becky it is encouraging for me
    and a word to cling to the fires are raging
    around us and sometimes I find it hard to
    focus and pray deeply especially praying
    in the spirit. With this word I can shake
    myself out of the confusion and dig
    deeper. I believe God is restoring my country
    Australia and we will come through in
    stronger faith. We have heard of many
    miracles through the fires and one who
    was an atheist who in the midst of a strong
    wind blowing towards them prayed for God
    to turn the wind and saw the wind fall back on itself He confessed it was answered prayer
    Praise the Lord
    Love you Becky. Abundant blessings for 2020
    Thanks for your encouragement
    Monique. Australia

    1. Delinda,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce these issues with your stomach and foot. I release the healing power of the Lord to flow through them and mend, heal, and recreate them for the glory of the Lord, amen.

    1. Delinda,
      In the name of Jesus’ I command your spine to realign and be healed and strengthened and whatever is ailing your stomach to be healed and made whole, all pain and suffering gone in Jesus’ name, amen.

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