This is a word of encouragement from your Lord, Jesus Christ.

I have rescued you from the powers of darkness, that evil place where the devil is and I am not, that place of utter hopelessness, and being caught in the penalty of sin.

You were lost, but I found you. My light shined down into the depth of your brazen heart, and erased every trace of shame.

All for you I gave. I held nothing back.

My light transferred you from the enemy’s dominion and into My Kingdom where the darkness cannot remain. All is exposed, and there’s nothing to hide from, all is seen and filled with innocence and goodness.

My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. No longer  do you need to suffer lack, in Me you will find everything you need. Sickness does not exist in Me, only health, strength, and healing. And these I purchased for you with My own blood. Allow the power of My blood to flow in you like a mighty rushing flood and wash away with it all pain and suffering.

In Me you will find complete liberty. The enemy will flee, he cannot be in the light, he is a creature of darkness, filled with lies and deceit. But I walk in the light, because I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you will follow Me I will lead you into My kingdom ways.

When you accept the light of My glory  you bind yourself to the supernatural blessing of My kingdom, but if you reject this truth you bind yourself to the curse. I rescued you from the dominion of darkness and the powers there be, it is now up to you to walk free.


Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

5 thoughts on “Rescued From the Darkness

  1. Becky, I do receive the light of His glory, yet I still struggle! I don’t understand why.
    I pray that your father is doing well!
    With love in Christ Jesus our Lord, Gail

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