Amy, I think many people share your same question. “How do you encourage someone’s faith that has been standing in faith for a long time for healing?” I’m not sure how well you know this person, but this is what I would do. I would spend time with this person and listen carefully to what they are actually saying concerning healing. Let them talk from the depth of their heart about life and healing, by listening carefully, you will be able to tell what is blocking their healing from manifesting. Usually, if a long period of time has passed, they are discouraged and somewhere along the line they have entered into the realm of doubt and they need teaching that God is able and WILLING to heal them. (Most of the time we are not even aware of doubt. In my book; “Dare to Believe” I address the issue of hidden doubts.) Or it may be a pain issue, where the person needs to be encouraged and taught biblically how to overcome the realm of the 5 senses. It could be that this person has had a very difficult life and there are roots of bitterness, depression, feeling unloved and unworthy of receiving God’s goodness towards them. They need to forgive and their minds transformed by the Word. These are just a few examples. What you need to do is listen for the root of the problem and minister to them along these lines. They may need to start all over and be trained in the Word concerning healing.

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© 2011 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

9 thoughts on “Standing in Faith

  1. Thank you for this Article. I’ve been going through the same thing for over 12 years! I’ve prayed the best way I know how over myself and when the symptoms get unbearable I pray and continue to speak what God says over my body. When the healing doesn’t come, I sometimes feel like I got punched in the gut from disappointment. But, I still have faith and speak God’s word over my body. I still expect to receive my healing miracle!!

    1. May I challenge you a little bit more in this? See it already done by faith, according to Is 53:4-5 it has already been completed. Speak and act out faith as if it already has been done. It changes the way we speak and act. Blessings, Becky

  2. I have been waiting so long that I have finally given up, because it seems God heals everyone except me. I have repented of everything I think I haven’t repented of, I have read healing scriptures, I have prayed and all to no avail. Almost 31 years has passed and I’m still not healed. What could I possibly be doing wrong??

    1. Dear Edith,
      God is not withholding your healing. It was already given to us. We need to learn how to believe and learn how to activate faith. Most often, God’s people miss out on the manifestation of their healing because they do not hold onto their confession of faith. We need to learn to be consistent in speaking out words of faith. I would like to suggest that you write out a confession of faith and ONLY speak this out concerning your health. No longer speak negative words over your physical body or about God’s faithfulness to keep His promises. I encourage you to start over and never give up. Hugs, Becky

  3. I can certainly understand this can happen. I have been waiting so long for the manifestation of my son’s healing. Everyday I wait expectantly for the glory and supernatural power of God to be exhalted. I sometimes, if I am not careful, will often find myself jealous and envious of all the healings I read and hear about on TV. I quickly repent and even thank God for the answer to that person’s prayer. Who knows how long they had to wait. Thanks Becky

    1. Oh, Marilyn. I am right there with you. It is so hard when your every thought revolves around your child, and the desperate desire for healing. Today I am praying for hope restored, and energy to keep believing.

    2. Marilyn. Thank you for your honesty. It is not right for us to be jealous of others’ blessings. Remember, faith operates by love, not jealousy. Write a confession of faith for your son, speak it throughout the day, no matter what is going on. And especially during moments when the enemy is playing with your mind and speaking doubt and pity. Blessings, Becky

  4. I am glad you are teaching about doubt. Sometimes we are even afraid to pray for someone who is sick because we might have doubt in our hearts and are afraid of the outcome of our prayer. Thanks for the teaching. Can’t wait to read the book. PS: Love the website.

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