Supernatural Strength against Vicious Attacks

Watch today’s FB LIVE video message titled, “Supernatural Strength against Vicious Attacks”. This is about a prophetic dream, vision and word of the Lord concerning a demon called, “Vicious” rising up viciously attacking the Body of Christ, and a prophetic dream about the Mark of the Beast, a chip. Today’s message is very important for you and will have an impact on your life when you activate the faith principles. Click to Watch Here.
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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Sholom Becky, I am working now do I will be able to give to the orphanage. Becky Everytime you write me it wlill erase on it’s own and I love to look back at it to remind me that God still loves me. The Lord had told you something bad was going to happen and two days later it did but he also blessede with a job so that I can Bless others
When he warns you of bad things you need to pray in faith against them. This is why He warns us of the enemy’s attacks.