The Power of Unity to Heal

Last week was very busy for us, we ministered in 4 different Churches in our area. Each service was special in it’s own way, but the last one was the best of all. We gathered the pastors of the 5 Churches in our village together for a special healing and miracle service. My husband and […]

Confession for Healing

I will not be dismayed. I will not be afraid for the Lord my God is with me. No matter what the report says, No matter what manifests upon my body I believe in the healing report of my Lord. And by His healing stripes my body is healed and made whole. I pick up […]

Help to Overcome Fear Pray Psalm 91

Do you fear tribulations (difficult times), persecution and the uncertainty of the hour we live in?  What will happen with your job? Your family? Your life? Do you sense the need for tighter security around you?  Do you feel the need for more reassurance of the Lord’s faithfulness?  If so, you are not alone, many Christians struggle […]

Trust Me –Word of the Lord

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, “If you will trust Me, then you will see the mighty hand of the Father upon you. I will not hide from you, but be found by you at the whisper of My name. You do not need to bow your head in shame, but trust […]

How Often Do I Speak Faith for Healing?

One reader writes, “Becky, how often do I speak words of faith for my physical healing?” This is a great question, and I know many people are wondering the answer to this question. According to Proverbs 18:21 that there is the power of life and death in your tongue. Every word you speak is either […]

Dealing with Betrayal

Betrayal is an act of deliberate disloyalty, and it is very painful. A disloyal spouse, parent, son or daughter, or other family member, a friend, boss, co-worker, or ministry partner, whoever the betrayer is their deliberate disloyalty hurts badly. How do you deal with betrayal? What do you do with the pain? How do you […]

Do You Feel Overwhelmed?

Do you feel overwhelmed? Does your world feels like it’s caving in on all sides at once–look to Jesus. He’s faithful. He will never leave you, or forsake you, Hebrews 13:5. God’s not angry like the world would have you believe Him to be. Psalm 86:15 beautifully describes the goodness of God towards us, “But […]

Examine Your Spiritual Progress

Surely it is not always comfortable to examine our spiritual progress, but it is necessary. Yes, it reveals both good and bad, but instead of condemning ourselves during this process let’s allow the Holy Spirit to convict us to change. Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are […]

God’s Supernatural Power in You is Recognizable

Others around you will recognize when you walk in the supernatural power of God and they will seek you out. I was sitting down listening to one of the local pastors at an outdoor evangelistic campaign and a lady in a nearby house saw me sitting on the bench and sent for me to come […]

Lord, You Rescue Me

You are fighting against discouragement this day as the medical reports are overwhelming, and the symptoms seem overpowering. Those around you that you believe should be strong in the faith have wavered in their stand against this disease attacking your body. Their words of encouragement have become fewer and farther in between. And even though […]
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