Are you fighting a battle with a stubborn mountainous disease that doesn’t appear to go away? Let’s talk about this today, using the example from one of my readers, and share a healing prayer to bring this mountain down. But before this let us first talk about mountains in the natural realm of things. The […]

Daily Improvements From a Stroke
Do you remember the lady from the other day that wrote concerning the need for healing prayer for her husband who suffered from a stroke? Well, I want to write and share her testimony with you about what they are witnessing since this prayer of faith was verbally released over him. “Again I say to […]
Release the Prayer of Faith
I recently prayed with a woman who suffered from kidney disease. They were very sick and did not function properly. I released the prayer of faith into her kidneys and commanded them to be healed and to function right in the name of Jesus. With tear-filled eyes she shared with me the next day that […]
Church Leaders Need to Believe
You would be surprised how many Churches I have been to where I find that the leadership does not believe in the healing power of the Lord as they ought to. I find this disheartening. How can they teach their congregations to believe in God’s promises if they themselves do not? James 5:14-16 tells us, […]