The Power of Simplistic Faith

I’ve written before about Childlike Faith, and I continue to be an advocate of it’s supernatural strength. But so often, it is greatly misunderstood for being silly and weak. But in reality it is just the opposite. Let’s look at the power of this simplistic faith.
- Like Jairus, it’s not proud, but humble to recognize and and openly acknowledge that it’s source of healing is Jesus Christ. See Luke 8:40-56.
- Like the woman with the issue of blood, when simplistic faith hears of the healer, she makes her way through the crowd and reaches out and touches the healer and receives. See Luke 8:40-56.
- Like the leprous man, he doesn’t allow his question concerning Jesus’ will to heal to stop Him from cleansing him and making him whole. He just asks and then receives. See Luke 5:12-13.
By examining this simplistic, childlike faith we see the following important traits:
- It’s not proud, but humble.
- It openly acknowledges Jesus as the source of healing.
- It willingly works through the obstacles to reach the healer and obtain healing.
- If it has an honest question about healing, it asks and believes the response of Jesus’ faith-filled words and receives.
As adults we can learn great lessons about faith by observing how little children receive healing. At a recent 8 day healing crusade I observed the openness of all the children present to believe and receive their healings instantly.
The children were uncomplicated, simplistic in their faith. When I called them forward , they were not prideful or embarrassed to acknowledge that they had a need, but readily came. They didn’t question if God was willing or able to heal them. They just believed and received their many healings instantly.
Now, in light of this testimony let me ask you, “Do you still look at the faith of a child as being silly and weak? Or do you see what I see? Simplistic, childlike faith is full of power, and activates full manifestations of miracles instantly.
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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.