DSC00441We tend to make the things of God so complicated that it is difficult for people to believe. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and in all honesty it shouldn’t be. When we mature in our faith we will return to the sweet surrender of the childlike faith that He desires from us. We will believe and do what He says because we trust Him.

Think of a new born baby, when he or she is hungry they do not stop to question whether or not Mama has milk, they just receive what they have need of. We need to trust the Lord this way.

Being in the healing ministry I take in the most profound workings of faith by observing children. They are not bound up with unbelief, they are free to trust and receive. Let’s learn to believe for the miraculous from the example of this little girl.

There was a little girl in our elementary school that struggled to read. And no matter how hard she tried she was unable to read. One night she felt especially discouraged. Her parents spoke with her and encouraged her to pray to God and ask Him for help.

Later during the night, the parents feel concern and decide to go to her room to pray with her, but they are amazed at what they find. Their daughter is already on her knees beside her bed praying to Jesus, asking Him to help her to read.

The Bible says in Hebrews 4:16 that we are to draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We are to go boldly before the throne of grace and make our needs known. There are 2 faith steps that we need to take in order to go boldly before His throne of grace and receive.

  1. We need to learn to trust Him. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Is. 41:10.
  2. In order to trust Him we need to know Him as the God who cares. “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately {and} cares about you watchfully.” 1 Peter 5:7.

It’s after we have taken these 2 faith steps that we can go boldly before His throne of grace like this little girl does and receive. And what does she receive?

The next morning, she wakes up and with excitement runs to tell her parents that she can now read, and begins to read to them aloud.

Let’s learn to activate the childlike faith and boldly believe and receive from His throne of grace.


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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Activate Childlike Faith for Healing

  1. I thank you so very much, Sister Becky, for your reply so promptly as we talked about THE BLOOD. I am convinced this is such a powerful weapon of warfare. The adversary rejoices when the Church does not honor and appropriate the power of the blood. Just want to share with you from another book I have by Dr. Francis Myles , BREAKING GENERATIONAL CURSES UNDER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK, chapter 10 is entitled, THE BLOOD CRIES OUT. This is excellent info as well as the entire book. Holy Spirit really has me on this study at this time. Sister Becky. I have two friends I am praying for and and I desire to see a MIRACLE in their lives for healing and deliverance.Frank C. Weaver, 51 years old, has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. He is a high school classmate of mine who was a top engineer in his field for many years, very brilliant and smart all his life. His father was a great Pastor for many years passed away last year, his mother still lives. He is in the hospital now in rehab for hip surgery. I visited and prayed with him last night (11/2) and will visit again tonight. Please pray and agree with me for DIVINE ORDER to be restored to his brain and however the Spirit leads in prayer. Karen Sue Bridges has Lupus and is learning to walk after a stroke and 3 months in Intensive Care.She is home now.I desire your prayers for these two . Will keep you informed. thank you very much, Gail.
    (C) 919-862-6763 (H) 919-662-3826

  2. Dear Becky:
    I like your e mail on childlike faith. I somehow lost my childlike faith due to emotional abuse and somewhere in my mind I tell myself, “Take care of yourself. If this is how an x husband , friends, and so-called friends treated you-you need to take care of yourself.” I know this is not good thinking, but nobody feels safe anymore. And, my x claimed to be a spirit filled christian man. It wasn’t the spirit of God I later found out. I have had friends steal from me, give me”the silent treatment”, tell me I was “using them.” These are people I trusted at one time. It has put a lot of anxiety and fear of trusting anyone and it is hard to live this way. I also now have depression/anxiety/ ptsd and I literally shake when I am trying to sleep. My whole emotional system is a mess and it also has affected my faith too. the reason for that is I watched too much of so-called christian tv and a whole lot of mess is on there that is not biblically balanced and that messed me up too. I know God has seen all of this . I cry out to Him for healing and the ability to forgive a lot of these abusers and to be able to walk in love and forgiveness. I also go through a lot of hell as to whether or not to take some of these medications for anxiety, ptsd, etc. I have tried to do without them but I am not getting any better.
    over the last eight years my life has not been good. I had to get divorced from an abuser, my mom and dad died. I had three operations and two were not successful at all and my family did not help me at all. When I needed help I was told, “Call someone else!”
    So, when you don’t have the support of parents and or siblings and friends detray you, I just keep praying to the Lord for His will to be done.
    I have a degree in Nursing because I wanted to help people now I know I cannot do that in the shape I am in and I am drained. I know there is a time when we all need professional help, but I cannot afford to see a christian counselor so I see a lady in a clinic. She is very nice but not a christian I don’t believe.
    Please pray for me to get back some child-like faith and the ability to really trust the Lord. When I hear sermons like nothing has come into your life that hasn’t passed through God’s sovereingty I say to myself, “This all could not have been what God wanted for me.” He is a healer and I need your prayers and understanding; this is my life.

    May God bless you,


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