The Tongue of Authority

The tongue of authority is vital to our well-being and yet, so often taken for granted and forgotten. But Holy Spirit is bringing this member of our body to our remembrance today. I woke up this morning to the following analogy flowing through my mind, and so I quickly got out of bed and headed off to my computer to write down these thoughts from Holy Spirit for us today.
You know, it is often the little things in life that make a big difference to so many. For example, let’s think about the tongue of a shoe. It may seem to be insignificant, and we often forget about it, but it really does make a huge impact on the people around the world. Think about it, it helps our feet to ease into that shoe, and it often holds two other small, but important things such as the eyelets that allows us to add another seemingly small item in life–the shoelace. And when we pull up on that shoelace it holds that shoe snug around our foot and makes that properly fitted shoe much more beneficial for us.
The Holy Spirit then led my thoughts to what’s inside of that shoe–the foot. And how feet in the Bible represent authority. Joshua 1:3 (NKJV) says, “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.” And how it’s the little member of our body–our tongue that causes this authority to be useful for us today. Proverbs 18:21 tells us in the Amplified Version of the Bible, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.“
With our tongue we are able to articulate our words. And our words possess supernatural power. And the message the Holy Spirit is leading us to is we the Church have been given all authority over satan and all of his wicked works. Luke 10:19 (AMP) explains it to us this way, “Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” And this authority is voice activated. And we, the Church must activate our God-given authority and speak up–activate the tongue of authority throughout this earth starting with today–even now.
And those around us, including the ungodly need the Church to voice activate our authority with the supernatural use of our words. We need to take down the evil workings of the enemy, and release the results of faith and grace that have bestowed upon us.
Confession of Faith
“With the authority of Christ that we have bee given, we, the Church lift up our voice and put our enemy–that lying-tongued serpent of old in his place. And his place is below our feet. We create the atmosphere of faith and grace that healing and miracles can embrace. And every place we shall go we go in the authority of that all powerful name–Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, our Messiah.
No matter the time we are living in, the authority of our words have not lost their power, because the power of our words is based upon the redemptive blood of Christ. And our Lord and Savior is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the power of the blood of Christ is eternal.
With the tongue of authority that we have been given, we voice activate our authority over pestilence and disease rising against us. We build a wall of protection with our words of faith and declare that no weapon formed against us will prosper in the name of Jesus. And with a fiery tongue we cleanse ourselves from deadly germs and bacteria. And with the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith we say to that fallen angel–the devil, “Back off!” We are temples of Holy Spirit and we make no room in our inns for you and your wicked works against us.
We declare all this in the all powerful name of our Deliverer and Healer–Jesus Christ, amen and amen.”
To learn more about the supernatural power of our words click to purchase Becky’s book, “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Our Words.”
Click here to order Becky’s new book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.
Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.
© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Thank you Mum Becky . I have known you today ,listened to you and I feel Blessed . Been sick for long Stomach acid ,ulcers and nerves .Suffering from family familiar spirits .I am in Kenya ,Africa .PLEASE HELP .
In Jesus’ name I renounce these digestive issues in your body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through it and cleanse it from all excessive acid, ulcers be healed and nerves be restored in Jesus’ name, amen.
Dear Becky sorry also sent a prayer request but not sure if you received it. Firstly I thank the Lord that I discovered your audiobook Speaking Miracles and I am busy reading Dare to believe. Such amazing teachings.
Becky please will you pray for my son Ryan. He has a growth on his right paratoid gland. It has been there a number of years but now been diagnosed at a growth. Doctor has said he needs to operate on the 14/4/21. It’s a very delicate operation due to all the nerves. During the years I have been praying for God to heal the gland but just not getting the miracle I desire so much for Ryan. I have repented for all things I can think of. Repented for doubt and unbelieve which always sets in as you are constantly remined when you see the swollen gland.
The last few months I have been really seeking God. I have been praying, listening to teachings, fasting. Most days are constantly speaking to God. I have called and invited the baptism of the the Holy Spirit but just left with this heaviness on my heart. I have asked God to show me His truth but nothing. My mind gets flooded with negative thoughts and I no longer know if its mine or the devil. I try very hard to block out these thoughts with speaking God’s word. I feel like a yoyo. I know (have read your testimony plus others) that God can heal Ryan I just want God to show me if there is anything I need to repent so that God can step in and perform his miracle. I so desire to have a closer relationship with God and for God to touch my family. I wish for God to work through me. When people ask will you pray for me. I don’t want to just say yes I will. I want to do it straight away and I want to do it with the authority and power that the Holy Spirit gives us. So I desire for God to use me for His glory.
Thank you for your teachings – it’s like speaking to your mom – you seem so approachable.
Kind Regards
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and fear attacking your son and family. I curse this growth and command it to die off at the seed and dry up at the roots and to be supernaturally gone for the glory of the Lord and never to return again, amen.
I have all your books I love your Authority and I love how you teach it preach it and do it
Thank you, Pam for your kind words of support!
Dear Becky, I very rarely seem to be able to get a prayer request through on the prayer request form so I apologize but I’m going to leave one here. I have been standing on God’s word and using my authority over sickness and disease, nut with little to no results. I am perplexed and frustrated (I am sorry to say). I am having Extreme difficulty with sleep and would like to ask you to please be in prayer with me for good restful sleep every night, complete restoration of my adrenal glands and all functions of the body that may be affecting them, healing from my hiatal hernia, and a genetic makeup that easily detoxifies from mold and fungal issues, and any other sickness or disease that may be affecting my body. Also strength and peace for my husband as he cares for me and everything else that I would normally do, and restoration for our family from all that the enemy has stolen. I have been asking Lord how he would like me to wean off of or get off of drugs the doctors have put me on, but as of yet I have not heard Him answer. Thank you and may God continue to richly bless you and all that you do! Gail
Dear Gail, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this continued addiction to these over the counter drugs. They are one of the main issues to your physical situation. I do not condemn you, but am being honest in saying you reverted back to the drug that you fought hard to get free from.
Your other issue is the power of your negative words over yourself and health. Your tongue—vocabulary needs healing. Even if its difficult it is necessary for you to speak the Word of God ONLY over yourself and not sickness, disease or symptoms.
I speak creative miracles to your adrenal glands that they are recreated, healed, strengthened and function 100% normal, amen and amen.
Love and Hugs,