Today’s Sensitive Topic–Abortion

Well I ministered this morning on my show, Empowered for Healing and Miracles on a very sensitive topic (abortion) and the connection between this sin and sickness and disease within the Church today. For those that have had abortions I pray you to know that God is willing and able to forgive and deliver you from a spirit of death. If you missed this very important show this morning you can catch it again tonight 2/1 at 8:30 PM EST on ISN internet channel at this link:
And please know that whatever you are going through, God is here for you. He will not turn a deaf ear to your cry of repentance. Let me pray for you right now.
Father God,
You are well aware of this grievous sin of abortion that is running rampant within the Church today, and the consequences that it has unleashed within the body of Christ. I pray with those that are hurting from this sin of abortion that they will have the courage to admit what they have done and take the initial steps to forgiveness and eternal freedom with You. And I personally pray for the one that is reading this prayer that has partaken of this sinful act and is hurting. I pray that you will call out to God today, ask for forgiveness and allow the power of Holy Spirit to begin to heal your wounded soul. Open up your mind and emotions to the Lord today and allow Him to take that healing balm of Gilead and cleanse you of all the regret and shame, and begin to live again today.
In Jesus’ name I pray this over you,
Amen and amen
Becky Dvorak is the host of the dynamic teaching program, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, featured globally on the It’s Supernatural! Network on ISN. Join her on Mondays at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST.
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