We hear the negative financial reports, we are living through a recession about to go into a depression. The cost of living is sky rocketing, and people are stressed and full of fear. But allow me to encourage your heart, by teaching you what it says in God’s Word about how-to walk-in God’s provision. And let me remind you that God’s kingdom is not affected by what happens on this earth. Our God and His ways never change–never! He is forever faithful and true to Himself, and to His Word. There is a basic strategy found in God’s Word but let us begin with the foundation of His strategy by guarding our heart. Let’s turn to Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Click to Watch.

© 2022 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


In my latest work, The WAVES of Healing GLORY, I teach you how to prepare yourself for these end-times tsunami of signs, wonders, miracles, and the greater works Jesus promised. And may I suggest that you gather a group of people together in your home and use this message with your Bibles and get ready.

CLICK to order your copy of WAVES of Healing Glory

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