We Are Kings and Priests unto God

Do you realize that if you are a born-again believer in Jesus, you are a priest? The Bible says in First Peter 2:9 that we are a royal priesthood. But let’s face it, most of us are uncomfortable with the title “priest.” In fact, when we hear the term priest, what comes to our mind is a picture of a man wearing a special collar or robe sprinkling people with holy water. Right? That makes us feel uncomfortable with who God called us to be–a priest unto Himself.
But perhaps, if we remove the religiosity from the term priest and learn what our duties as a priest unto God are, we will be more comfortable with this calling from God, our Father. What is a priest? A priest is someone who approaches God on behalf of others. A priest is an intercessor. And whenever we pray for others, we are fulfilling our priestly duty.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a hold nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).
Not only are we called by God unto His priesthood, but to a royal priesthood. In other words, we are of royal blood–the atoning blood of the Messiah. Knowing that the confirmation of two or three witnesses is very important to establish a truth, let’s gaze upon a second witness from Revelation 1:5-6 and discuss what it has to say about this matter:
And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Did you catch that? Yeshua, also made us “kings” to His God, the Father as well.
Kings are of royal blood, they are given authority to rule and reign. We as believers live so far below what God has created us for. We are given authority to rule and reign over satan and all of his wicked works (see Luke 10:19), and with this same authority we are to subdue the earth, and have dominion over it (see Genesis 1:26-29).
Let’s pray. “Father God, I admit, I am not comfortable with these titles, but now that I understand what a priest unto You does, I can accept this important duty to intercede for the people around me. And Father, I can see the great needs of the people, and I know these problems are based in the spiritual realm, and only You can fix and meet their need. Help me, to grow in fulfilling this responsibility and pray effectively with the power of faith to break the strongholds over the people. I also see that You have called us to be kings for You, and we are to walk in the authority of Christ that You have empowered us with to rule and reign for Your glory, and take down the evil around us, with the transformative power of the blood. In Your most holy name, I pray, amen.”
Thank so very much for this very timely message. I have been over whelmed with multiple serious afflictions. This power filled prayer arrived in a answer to my prayers. I will be speaking it over myself and sharing it with friends and family. Blessings to you. J. Cheyenne.🫶
God bless you!
I have been blessed by your sermons, I have seen God move tightly in my life following your sermons , I prat that will be apart of the journey with you in preaching the kingdom of God here on earth.
Amen and Blessings
Thank you, Becky, just a week ago it dawned on me that we have forgotten who we are and that we all have tasks to do and are dressed in royal garments. Want to pursue it further.
Praise the Lord for your revelation, amen and amen!