What to Bring and Expect at the Healing Conference

This is an informational post about what to bring and what to expect at this weekend’s healing conference.
For those that will be attending this weekend’s healing conference in Lexington, VA bring your blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, shawls, sweaters, jars of oil … that you want us to anoint and pray over for healing to give to others or to take home with you.
And feel free to bring what you need to be comfortable during the conference. I am accustomed to having people laying down on a mattress, or in a special chair with blankets and pillows. After all, this is a healing conference!
Come expecting as people will be physically healed, delivered from demonic oppression, possession, Saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, water baptized, and you will hear and receive prophetic words from the Lord. Every session will have worship, teaching, and laying on of hands upon the sick for healing.
Dec. 1st, 2nd, 3rd (Fri., Sat., Sun.) Lexington, VA, Healing Revival at 329 W Midland Trail, Lexington, VA, 24450.
Admission is FREE. *There will be a free will offering taken during the meetings. And books will be available for purchase.
Friday: Dec. 1st @ 7 PM.
Saturday: Dec. 2nd @ 9 AM with lunch provided afterwards.
Sunday: Dec. 3rd @ 10 AM.
Host: Pastor Tim Stalnaker.
hi Becky,
can it be live on FB too. I really want to be part of it too.