In my last post, “Do You Need a Breakthrough?”  I shared with you God’s method to breakthrough from a stronghold of the enemy over our lives. Also, I gave you lists of both physical and spiritual benefits of prayer and fasting.  And I promised you that in today’s post that we would discuss a few different types of fasts found in the Bible. Let’s get started on our study of prayer and fasting and move into the promised land of Breakthrough.

There are different types of fasts throughout the Bible. Read through the list and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the one that is best for you.

  1. A General Fast is when you abstain from eating all food, but you do drink water. Like Jesus did when He was led into the wilderness, see Matthew 4: 1-11.
  2. A Partial Fast, such as the Daniel fast found in the Book of Daniel 1: 12, ““Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.” Their diet consisted of only vegetables to eat and water to drink. And then again in Daniel 10:2-3 where it says, “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” This type of fast lasts for 21 days, and not only restricts choice foods, meats, alcohol from the diet, but also forbids the luxury to use anointing oils and lotions.
  3. A Total Fast, is when one goes without food and water. An example of this can be found in Acts 9:9 with the conversion of Saul to Paul, “And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.” And another example of this can be found in Esther 4: 15-16, “Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

In these 2 examples of a total fast, both lasted for 3 days, they ate no food and drank no water. And one example is of an individual, Paul fasting and the other shows us an example of a corporate fast, with Esther and the Jews.

Words of wisdom concerning prayer and fasting.

o   Remember, it is PRAYER and fasting. Without prayer, it is just another form of dieting and this is not God’s purpose for fasting.

o   Keep in mind that while you are fasting, especially during longer fasts that your physical body will not function as it normally does. It will tire more easily, you may have to fight off a headache or two, and there will be moments that your digestive system will hurt, mainly in the beginning of an extended fast and when coming off of a fast. That’s why you need to slowly work into a fast, and the same is required for coming off of a fast.

o   A few days before you start your fast, cut back on food intake, caffeine, sugar and salt, and increase your water intake. And when it is time to come off of a fast, your digestive system has not been functioning as normal and it can’t handle large amounts of food. Use caution and do not overload your system.

o   I would also caution someone that is struggling with anorexia or some other type of physical struggle or sickness and disease that you use common sense and ask your physician for medical advice how you can participate in this biblical practice.

o   Also, for married couples your sexual organs will not function as normal and you will be wise to heed the scriptural advice in 1 Corinthians 7:3-6, “Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment.”

How long should you fast for?

Honestly, there are no set rules for how long you should fast for. I recommend that you pray to the Lord and ask Him how long your fast should be. If you have not developed your spiritual listening ear to hear Him respond, then I suggest that you first fast for a day, and work your way up from there.

Several years ago, we had a young man volunteer with our mission for one and a half years. Before he left, he wanted to learn how to fast. He observed my husband and I fast for extended periods of time, but felt he was not ready for that. So, he sought the Lord, and this is the plan God gave to him.

The first week, he fasted for one full day. The second week, he fasted for two full days, third week, 3 days, and so forth. Until he worked up to the seventh week and he fasted for 7 full days. Perhaps, this could be a plan for some of you who have never fasted before.

In the Bible we see that God’s people fasted anywhere from 1 to  40 days.

During times of prayer and fasting, I purchase a new notebook. I purchase the biggest one I can find, and I journal throughout the day. On the first page, I write down the start and end dates of the fast. I add to this page Scripture verses that I will stand on, and specific prayer requests or reasons for the fast.

This past year, I have been fasting often with a good friend of mine. We decide what type of fast we will do, and for how long, usually 1-3 days per week. We share our present personal needs, the needs of our families, and those who we know that need us to stand in the gap for them with our prayers and fasting. We have seen many answers to prayer come to pass. It has been wonderful.

So, choose your type of fast, set your dates, purchase your journals, and let the breakthroughs and the miracles begin!

The next post will be devoted to going on a 40 day fast.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

15 thoughts on “Which Type of Fast is Best for You?

  1. Becky,

    I’m not sure if you will see this as it is an old post. Firstly, please may I say that your teachings from your books and YouTube and on Sid Roth have helped me more than any other preacher. I find you so normal and accessible & humble. You have done the hard yards, put in the time and discipline and totally believed God regardless of circumstances.

    Your testimony of you having that horrible illness that would continually knock you around & God told you to get out of bed & get dressed & you literally had to fall out of bed, that has inspired me so much & then reading & studying your spirit of death book. I keep getting distracted & ive stopped & started that book so much but I know I have that spirit as the Lord has shown me & once I was listening to Derek Prince & repeating his prayers & I started to double over & jerk when ever I got to the spirit of death. I have prayed and rebuked it etc but it’s still harassing me & then I get attacked even more.

    I won’t go into it all but I have had non stop illness & disease since I was a little girl & im now 48. I refuse to allow it to stop me & even though I had specialists tell me I should go on disability pension I have refused. I am a registered nurse & regardless of how weak or the pain I am in, I will continue to share the Lord to patients and pray for them.

    Thank you again for pushing in and not giving up over the years as you are helping so many of us. My husband knows that you are my favourite woman of God and if I ever got to have a spiritual mum or someone I would aspire to be like it is you. Thank you. Sharon.

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I renounce these spirits of death, infirmities, and an orphan spirit that have latched onto you. I curse the by the power of the blood of Jesus to release you and to leave you at once. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ and system and to cleanse them from all impurities of death and disease, and to free you from the curse. I speak peace to your mind and emotions, and command these lying spirits to be silenced. I renounce all forms of witchcraft rising against you. I plead the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus Christ over your mind and emotions and that you walk free from all hurts and disappointments in life. I say be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

      1. Thank you so much Becky for the prayer. I agree with it 100% and have laid hands on myself and prayed it over myself. I will continue to stand in agreement with you and your prayer by writing it out and putting it on my bathroom mirror.

        Interesting an orphan spirit, I had never thought of that before but it makes perfect sense. Thanks I’ll pray about that and what to do etc. I know He is my Deliverer and I give Him the glory. Thank you so much, Sharon from Australia

  2. Hi Becky,
    I would like to begin to fast but I have some health conditions like diabetes 2 and high blood pressure. I asked my doctor he did not advice to fast at all. Two month ago I fasted for 5 days and I felt very well but I did not prayed. I stopped fasting because candida broke through.
    I would like to get your advice.

  3. Dear Becky,
    l read through your publication on which fast is best for you? 1. General fast 2. Partial fast 3. Total fast.

    Please, l want to seek this spiritual advise from you, which of these fast can one do to help get rid of sickness and disease from the body or get a total healing because lam confused l do not know which fast to start with.

    Thanks and God bless you.

    1. Is 6 to 6 fasting allowed in the bible, I have been joining churches doing it but I have never seen any results for myself. I have done 30 days last month 21days.

  4. Hi Becky, I was just listening to your story on Sid Roth today and was amazed so I utubed, more of your teachings and ordered your book and cds from Sid Roth. I was so excited about your son with new created organs and that demon dr that came in the room. And what really caught my attention is what you said about Autism. My granddaughter Aubrey Robinson was labeled with rett syndrome at 18months she was absolutely normal. Then projectile vomited and cried all the time something took over her body and she won’t talk or walk all her hands and feet are turned inward. She is in a special school for disabled children. Her immune system is always sick! I know this demonic, but I don’t know how it happened. She is now having wicket seizures. We are a Christian family but her mother and her family are not. Is this a generational curse on her mothers side and how do I help my grand baby girl? She is now 8 years old. I need your expert advise I will do!!

    1. In Jesus’ name I renounce this attack against your granddaughter. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through her body. I command all seizures to stop, all pathways in the brain that these seizures have been following to be supernaturally erased, and no new pathways can be formed for seizures as she is healed and made whole from this. I renounce the power behind these other labels and declare that she is delivered from them and healed and made whole. Holy Spirit, You know the pathway to her healing, You understand all that has to take place. I release every creative miracle she is in need of and say be it done onto her as Your Words promises by Your healing stripes she is healed, delivered and made whole for the glory of Jesus, amen and amen.

  5. Hi,
    It has been very helpful, thank you. I’ve been trying to do 40 days and I kept failing and failing and it made me realize that food is a comforter for me. I need a desperate breakthrough. And I keep hearing that long period fast opens incredible doors. Reading through your I have the feeling that I am diong for the wrong reason and probably the fast suitable for me. But strangely the one of 1-3 days a week with your friend seemed to put me at peace. Do you have any advice and could I humbly ask for your prayer please.

    1. Myriam, I recommend the first week fast one day, the second week 2 days in a row, and the third week fast for 3 days in a row. And I pray that as you release your faith to begin to fast that you will find it a joy to do so and powerful at the same time. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  6. Another type of fasting (that could be added on to one of the 3 fasting types above, or done separately) is fasting from entertainment. In Daniel 6, we read that King Darius did this while he was fasting when Daniel was in the lion’s den.

    Randy and I began fasting from entertainment (Netflix, DVDs, we didn’t have TV anyway) in late February, when we began a Daniel fast, praying for our son Jonathan’s healing. We’ve continued the Netflix/DVD fast for the past 5 months, although we’ve gone on and off the Daniel fast. The only exception are scripture movies, like the Gospel of John or the Acts movie. We want to keep our attention fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and during this time of intense prayer, we are trying to rid ourselves of unnecessary distractions, and spend as much time in prayer and Bible study as possible.

    1. I agree with you Karen. This is awesome. I continue to stand with you and your husband for the total and complete healing of Jonathan. :O) Hugs, Becky

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