Barb writes; “There are many in my life that I have prayed for healing for years. I have learned to quit asking and  thank God for working in their bodies. I quote, “Healing is the children’s bread” and I ask God to give us this day our daily bread (healing). It is difficult when these people seem to get worse and not better. Your thoughts…”

My Thoughts Barb, are as follows.
“Give us this day, our daily bread…” The first words I heard when I read this comment were; “The Bread and the Wine have already been served.” It isn’t that God is withholding healing. Jesus already broke bread (His Body) for us when He bowed down and gave His back to be brutally whipped for our healing, and He already poured the Wine; (His Blood) when He shed His Blood on Calvary so that we could walk in a new Blood Covenant called grace.

I’ve learned to stop asking “God, why?” and have challenged myself to look into that spiritual  mirror and ask myself; “Becky, why?” “Becky, why are you having trouble receiving this healing from God?” “Becky, what is standing in the way?” “Becky, why are you getting worse and not getting better?” If I don’t know the answer, I ask God to show me what’s in my heart. And I can stand confidently before Him, without guilt or condemnation, because I know that His grace is for me and not against me, and ask for His revelation in the matter.

Sometimes, the answer lies in my past, and I’m having trouble dealing with something that did or didn’t happen. It almost always has to do with negative words that were spoken, whether they were spoken by me or another, they have to be stopped, dealt with, forgiven or repented of, and then changed to positive ones, because Proverbs 18:21 says that there is the power of life and death in the tongue. Other times, the answer has to do with my present situation. Maybe, I’m having difficulty forgiving someone, or I’ve done something that I need to repent of and make right. And I also need to make sure I am not focusing in on my 5 senses and human reasoning, but fixing my eyes on Jesus and not on the pain or the sickness. Perhaps, I’m feeling insecure about my future and am starting to enter into the realm of doubt, confusion and the fear of failure that God won’t heal me, or couldn’t heal me because I have not been living up to religious standards. If it reaches this point, my heart is a mess because I’m living in a lie that God’s grace is against me and not for me. I then need to stop and start over, repent to God, forgive myself, and last, but not least, I need to open up the Bible and read, reread, and read some more, until my heart is at peace and my faith has risen again, so that I can actually believe again. Barb, do you think these others are a bit like me?

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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.



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