Why Hasn’t God Healed Me?
This is a frequently asked question that I receive often, in fact, I just received this in my email today. “Why hasn’t God healed me?” Here is what I have found to be true according to God’s Word.
Most people miss out on their healing because of the words that they speak. Prov 18:21, teaches that there is the power of life and death in our tongues, in other words, we live today what we have been speaking yesterday. If you continue to say things such as, “Why hasn’t God healed me?” you’ll continue to speak a curse over yourself that stops His healing power from moving through your physical body to heal. It is correct to speak God’s healing promises over yourself such as, “By His stripes I am already healed in Jesus’ name). You align the power of your spoken words with God’s Word.
Then your actions must line up with our words, James 2:14-26. If we say we are believing for God to heal us, but are planning our funerals. We are deceived, and we will have death because that is where we are exercising our faith.
According to the Word, Isaiah 53:4-5, by His stripes, whippings we have already been healed. We have to learn how to believe to receive according to His word.
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© 2017 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Becky how do we get rid of painful symptoms and will symptoms eventually totally go away and how do we get them to?
Sister Becky I found your video on YouTube and immediately I knew that was my answer to my journey to healing. Your testimonies are encouraging me because it’s been one year praying and battling the incurable condition that I was infected with some kind of parasites in Cuba. I don’t agree with it and I’m confessing daily that I will not die but live. I’m to young to go anyway. Medicine has no answers but our Lord suffered and he has all the answers. Could you pray for me too like you did for others? I’m going to get your book of Amazon to get more. You are
“the spoon “ like the Lord called you. You’ve stirred up my faith the way you said the scriptures. They are loaded with faith! Thank you!
Marta, In the name of Jesus–the Great Physician, I curse these parasites that have invaded your system. I curse them and command them to die, be eliminated and no eggs… can hatch, they all die in the name of Jesus. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your system and cleanse it from all traces of parasites and anything else that should not be there. I speak to your digestive system to be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord.
Hi sister Becky
I just her you on the side show last we and was so impressed with your testimony snd was very encouraged.shortly after last week I found out that my son was diagnosed with voice paralysis and I was sharing what I had heard from you and I found your 100 scriptures which I have forwarded to him and I would like you to pray for him for his healing it started with laryngitis when it wouldn’t go away and so we’re having faith that he’ll be completely healed and you lift up the spirits I’m also asking you to pray for my other son who needs and lightning get better friends get a job
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this voice paralysis in your son. I speak creative miracles at the source of this issue and that his voice return full of strength and better than it was before. I also speak into the life of your other son, that he finds better friends and his encouragement and joy from the Lord, amen.
I bought your book from Sid Roth and need a miracle healing for my body
Dear Rose,
I release the creative and explosive power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your entire being. And declare the Word of the Lord from Isaiah 53″4-5, “By His stripes you are healed in spirit, soul (mind and emotions) and physically as well, amen and amen.
How to write up a confession of faith for my deliverance? Alicja
Hi Sis Becky,
I loved you on Sid Roth although I was familar with you before then. The key is to wear Satan out. Keep praying, keep decree and declaring. We as believers give up to easily. Remember Psalm 27, I will indeed see God’s goodness while i am yet among the land of the living!! Amen