People write and say that they are waiting for the manifestation of their healing. I get it. But according to the Word of God, faith is all the evidence that you need to know that you are healed. For clearer understanding, let’s delve into this topic a little bit more.

Faith is trust, and like He said to the woman that was hemorrhaging for 12 years and was instantly healed as she activated her faith in His healing virtue in Luke 8, “Daughter, your faith has made you well.” So too our healing manifests when we put our faith, trust in the His healing power.

This woman is so similar to the people of today. She was deathly sick, she tried everything available and still was not healed. But the moment she put her faith in the healing power of the Messiah her healing manifested.

In Luke 7 we read the account of the centurion’s servant who was on his deathbed about to die, and because of this centurion’s faith in the power of Jesus to heal the sick, his servant was miraculously healed without anyone touching him. And what were Jesus’ words to him in verse 9? “I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.”

In Luke 18 is recorded the amazing testimony of a blind man named Bartimaeus who calls out to Jesus as He is passing by, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Immediately he regain his sight. Again what were the words of Jesus concerning his healing? “Your faith has made you well.”

Our faith has to placed in its proper place. It’s not to be in test results, or the disappearance of tumors, or symptoms vanishing. Although those things will happen, but the point being is this, faith in the healing power of Jesus is our evidence that we are healed.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1.

 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive, Matthew 21:22.

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them, Mark 11:22-24.


Click here to learn about the power of your words in  Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

29 thoughts on “Your Faith Heals You

  1. Thank you for standing with me becky.I have been declared completely free from cancer and the Dr was amazed because the scans were perfect..I will have to have three monthly checks but will continue to stand on Gods word and His promises

  2. Please pray for my work situation to be resolved in my favor.

    Why have I not made any progress at work? . It seems everything I do results in things not going well for me. I am unable to advance in any way.

    Please pray for me. I feel hopeless. I have been praying for many years. The situation is getting worse.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Dear Carmela,
      As I read your words they are filled with defeat, and since there is power in our words you are cursing yourself. This is the main reason things are not turning out as they should. Right now, I renounce the results of these negative words. Holy Spirit teach her how to prophesy your word daily over herself. I pray for a renewal of her mind and she willingly reads and puts your word into action, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  3. Becky

    Having trouble with my computer. Have tried several times to send my comments without success. I need pray. Diagnosed with a tumor on my tricuspid. Want to do surgery. Open heart surgery. I am 85 years young. I decided to believe God for a miracle. Had a very small stroke. Need prayer for my whole cardiovascular system. Better sign off before I lost it again

    1. Sylvia,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this tumor on your tricuspid. I curse it at it’s seed and command it to dry up at it’s roots and be eliminated from your body. I speak total healing to your cardiovascular system and any and all damage done by this stroke too. I declare at 85 years of age you are renewed with the power of God for His glory, amen.
      I declare you will run and not get weary, you will walk and not faint, amen!!

  4. Dear Becky – Thank you so much for your teaching. I have bought your teaching materials from when you were on the Sid Roth show and I have watched that episode MANY times! Please partner with me for healing, i have some major neurological tests coming up because of some symptoms i have been having. I am stating that I have No sickness, No disease, and No symptoms! I have also subscribed to your YouTube channel, thank you for your prayers, I want to come see you, if you are ever in the U S!

  5. Thank you becky. I am standing on Gods’ word for my healing from anal cancer. After radiotherapy my consultant said there is nothing there. Now on my three monthly checkup. Have had st scan now got MRI scan followed by full examination with instruments then I see consultant again. We are declaring Gods’ promises every day and also taking communion

  6. Thanks for sharing the revelation you have been given concerning healing. I have been blessed and encouraged from reading your books, posts, and attending one of your conferences in Va. God bless!

  7. Awaiting healing manifestation in my body especially in my back,legs,female organs and with my speech impairments. Finanical breakthrough. Family members healed. Sister Alisa and brothers Travis,Denzel,James and Tony and Sonya

    1. Kindra,
      In the name of Jesus’ I command your spine to be realigned, every vertebra, disc, ligament, tendon, nerve and nerve ending to be healed and put in its proper place. I speak to the pain and swelling in the back and legs to be healed and made whole. I speak to your female organs that they are recreated and function perfectly normal. I speak creative miracles to your brain and brain stem and that the part that controls the ability to speak clearly is restored, healed by the creative miracle working power of the Lord. Tongue be loosed for the glory of God and Kindra speak clearly and confidently from here on.
      I speak financial breakthrough as you seek first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteous ways that your finances are more than enough to meet your every day needs and that there is always extra to help others too.
      I speak to your family members listed and that they are all healed in spirit, soul and in physical body too. In Jesus’ name,amen.

  8. Hi Becky

    I find your messages very inspiring and healing. My faith is growing day by day and thanks to you and God be praised.


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