Do you sense the transition of the Spirit?

Do you hear Him wooing you without the fear of it?

Great change is on the horizon.

It’s time for the Church to step up to the occasion.

Increase in boldness,

Release with love,

The power of the Spirit from up above.

Upon bended knees,

Lift up holy hands,

Pray in the Spirit.

Can you hear it?

Can you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit?

Will you take a moment to listen in?

Do you hear the praise of the Heavenlies?

Do you feel the roar of the Lion?

He declares, “It is time.”

My brethren, “Are you ready?”

One last call is going forth.

What is your reply to the Father?

Are you going out about His business?

Or have you faltered in His will in this?

The time is ever so short,

The reports are coming in,

The records are being written and tallied.

Where do you fit in?

The end is near,

You do not need to fear.

The choice is yours,

What will you hear?

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

Or will you hear, “Depart from Me, I do not know you.”?

He gives you the choice.

What is your decision?

Will you side with division against Him?

Or will you align yourself with “The Great I Am”?

Part of this transition taking place,

Is the departure from God’s grace.

And the refusal to look upon His face.

To negate the place,

Where the plan first took place,

To redeem the human race.

This is the case that will be held against you,

If you erase the trace of His grace.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

2 thoughts on “A Transition in the Spirit Realm

  1. Thank you Becky. Yes, the time is very near.
    God bless you and your family abundantly.

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