A Transition in the Spirit Realm

A transition in the spirit realm is taking place. Are you ready? The Word of the Lord would say to you. Do you sense the transition of the Spirit? Do you hear Him wooing you without the fear of it? Great change is on the horizon. It’s time for the Church to step up to […]

Identify Where You Are Spiritually

A major step in preparing yourself in these latter days is to identify where you are spiritually. Read through this message and carefully examine your heart and locate where you are spiritually. In Genesis 3 Adam and Eve sin against God and run and hide behind the bush. The Lord comes down to the garden […]

The Warnings are Being Sounded

The warnings are being sounded throughout the world via the Holy Scriptures and the voices of modern-day prophets. And for those who fear these times, I add another thought for you to ponder; even though it is called the “end times”, in essence it’s an end to satan and his corruption—and a brand-new beginning, like […]
woman writing on white paper

List for Spiritual Readiness

I am sending you a list for spiritual readiness, because I believe that we are living in the latter days, and the return of Jesus Christ is soon. I don’t believe that anyone can predict the date of Christ’s return, because it says in Matthew 24:36, “But about that day or hour no one knows, […]

31 Days to Reflect Upon God’s Protection

During such turbulent times we can allow ourselves to become so afraid that we lose focus on God’s protection. Here are 31 days of Scriptures to encourage your faith, and to remind you that He’s all-powerful and all-caring for you. Day #1 — Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow […]

Watch and Learn How to Overcome Fear

We read in the Scriptures that God has not given to us a spirit of fear. Yet, with all that’s happening around us in the world today people are struggling with fear. How do we overcome fear and become its worst nightmare? Click on the link to watch and learn how to overcome fear.  How […]
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The Devil is in Panic Mode

The devil is in panic mode, because he knows that his time is short. And we know when people panic, they make irrational decisions, how much more our enemy, the devil. His mission is to steal, to kill, and to destroy us, and so he is working overtime to take down the human race. If […]
person sitting holding book

Are You Where You Want to Be Spiritually?

Are you where you want to be spiritually? We are coming to the end of this 21 Day Daniel Fast, and our purpose for this fast was to revive our spirit-being, to refresh our personal relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to examine our spiritual condition so that we can make the […]
group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime

What’s Your Spiritual Temperature?

What’s your spiritual temperature? We all have one. Will we choose this day to be spiritually lukewarm, cold or hot? What say you? Today is the twelfth day of our 21 Day Daniel Fast. The purpose of this fast is to revive our spirit-being, to refresh our personal relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus […]
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