Take Authority Over a Spirit of Death

While I was ministering in Malawi, East Africa during a healing campaign a demon-possessed lady came to me on bended knee. I reached out to touch her when all of a sudden the demonic spirits within her began to scream obscenities at me.
I rapidly sized up the situation, activated my authority in Christ and commanded these demons to be silenced in Jesus’ name. I started to quoted from the Bible scriptures of the future destination of satan and his demons. The demons pleaded with me to stop, allow them to stay. I said, “No!” And within minutes this woman was set free.
3 Verses that Torment the Enemy:
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”, Matthew 25:41.
Jude 6, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.“
“For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;“, 2 Peter 2:4.
While at another outdoor evangelistic healing crusade in Northern Tanzania, a group of pastors tried to minister deliverance over a woman. They shouted, but nothing happened. They mistakenly thought that volume equaled authority. The demonic spirits knew that these pastors did not understand who they were in Christ, or the authority they had over these demons. My husband walked over and commanded the demonic spirits to leave and they left immediately.
Demonic activity is even running rampant in Christian homes and churches and it needs to be addressed openly so that God’s people can be delivered and set free. Wrong doctrine has taught us that this is not possible, but I can testify that I come into contact with demon-oppressed and demon-possessed Christians over and over. Especially in these times that we are living in today.
This is not a popular subject–it’s like hanging our dirty laundry out for everyone to see. But it is time to expose the darkness that is lurking amongst the body of Christ. Shine the light of God’s truth so that people can be free and healed in spirit, soul and body. I believe this is one reason why Christians are hurting needlessly.
Years ago, as a Christian, I was under great physical attack. I struggled to be free from sickness. Then one night while praying in the Spirit, I felt led to lay my hands on my body and I renounced a spirit of death that was over my body. As I spoke out thee words, I almost vomited as I felt something literally come out of me. And I was free from the attacks of the enemy in this area.
Perhaps, you just can’t seem to get free from death, sickness and disease. Lay your hand on your body and renounce this spirit of death coming against you with the authority that comes from the active blood of Jesus Christ.
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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Yesterday, I’d gone for a walk, and then was in the yard, when I suddenly started to cough a little bit. I hadn’t had any seasonal allergies this year (I stood in faith against them), so thought it was a bit odd, but decided go inside away from whatever pollen I might be reacting to. Well, I got inside and the cough intensified. So, I took a Clariten pill, but within 2 or 3 minutes, I could feel my throat start to close up. I realized that the Clariten wouldn’t have time to take effect, and I remembered your posting here from a couple days ago, about taking authority over a spirit of death. So, I prayed right there for healing from the attack, and instantly, my cough stopped, and my breathing was normal, and I had no more ill effects for the rest of the day.
I believe this was a direct attack of Satan — trying to thwart the work of God of healing and revival. But like you said in your follow-up posting yesterday – we resist the Devil through the scriptures
Yes, and you did! Thanks for sharing.
Karen, this is a great question, and an important one for us to understand. I am going to answer this in a post so that others can understand this as well. Seriously, thank you for asking. I will work on this now. Hugs, Becky
How do you know if a person has an evil spirit or if they are biologically ill or (in the case of a Christian) walking in the flesh rather than the Spirit?