What’s the secret? God’s people continue their quest to obtain long life and good health with diet, exercise and supplements and still many continue to fall ill and die prematurely. Even though these are wise choices, they are not enough. What’s the secret to living a healthy life? God reveals the secret to living a […]
2 Steps to Use Your Faith Shield
The Lord Jesus has given you a supernatural shield called faith. This shield is to protect you and to help fight off the attacks of satan. But its not enough to just own this shield. You must activate its supernatural power for it to work. Do you know how to activate this power? Do you […]
Walk in His Authority
One of the weapons of our spiritual warfare that God gives to us is His authority. But how can we walk in this authority if we do not know that He gives it to us? Jesus tells us in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over […]
His Righteousness Heals Us
Oftentimes, people struggle with supernatural healing because of their past. Whether they were the culprit or the victim they do not believe that they are good enough to receive God’s blessings, including healing. And yes, if we were to stand upon our own righteousness we would never be good enough to receive His gifts. But […]
Are You Confused About Healing?
Do you feel confused about what to believe concerning healing? Many people are unsure these days about what to believe anymore. And rightly so. When we remove the standard of God’s word and teach from human opinion and experience instead of what God says concerning healing then yes, people will be confused about healing. But […]
Never Give Up
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6: 10-20. Are you in the midst of a raging battle? Do you feel like its time to give up? We all face battles in this life, but some are more difficult than others. And after time, one can be tempted to give up the fight and let the enemy win. DON’T! […]
The Benefits of Living God’s Word
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3 We live in an age that is driven by technology. And just about any bit of information that we want to know can be found instantly on the internet. But even with all of this knowledge people are unhappy, full of fear, with their needs unmet, and sick and dying before […]
Choose Forgiveness
Everyday we have opportunities to choose forgiveness. Spouses, children, friends, neighbors, colleagues, even complete strangers can hurt us. Therefore, we are faced with daily decisions to forgive, or to ask for forgiveness, or to be bitter and full of vengeance. Unforgiveness is a weapon of satan to destroy the offended person from the inside to […]
Faith Operates By Love
Without love we cannot effectively release faith for the miraculous. Throughout the gospels we see that love motivates every miracle Jesus performs. He loves people, and puts the needs of others before Himself. Even when they beat, mock and crucify Him, He still loves and forgives them. And because of His unconditional love His supernatural […]
Can I Minister Healing Too?
Yes, you can minister healing too. In fact, the Great Commission in Mark tells us that if we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. All believers in Jesus Christ, including you can minister healing to the sick. Mark 16:14-18 — The Great Commission Later He appeared to the eleven […]