Charismatic Archives - Page 22 of 29 - Author Becky Dvorak

Know the Basic Signs of the Last Days

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that we are in the beginning of the end. But even so, the enemy is working hard to add confusion and fear to the times that are upon us. Do you know the basic signs of the times for these last days? In Matthew 24 Jesus teaches His […]

Joseph the Protector

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 Oftentimes, when we consider the birth of Jesus, it seems that Joseph’s role is downplayed. I guess when we look at the Christmas story with a Sunday school mentality he looks like a passive bystander. But in actuality God chooses Joseph to be a protector of the carrier of the plan […]

A Desire for the Prophetic

“Dear Becky, I pray for the gift of prophecy as the Bible tells me I should. There does seem to be some generational warfare that I need help with. Any wisdom you can impart would be greatly appreciated. Blesssings in the ministry God has entrusted in your care. Lavonne” Response: Dear Lavonne, The Bible says […]

A Lean-To Or A Pillar?

Are you a lean-to or a pillar of faith? A lean-to is a structure, such a shed or an outbuilding, that has a single slope with its upper edge adjoining a wall or a building. It gains its ability to stand from another structure, whereas, a pillar is a firm upright support for a superstructure. […]

Healing Prayer From ALS

Marie from OK writes the following prayer request. “Dear Becky, Please pray a healing prayer for my family and me.  The Dr tells me I have ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).  This disease took my Mother and two of my brothers, the most recent one on March 16, 2013.  On May 30th, 2013, the neurologist told […]

Everything On Your List

“Dear Becky, Please pray. I need a good job, a good wife, favor, blessing, victory, guidance, protection, good health, and long life. K…” Dear K…, It is possible to have everything on this list, but you are the one that is responsible to make it come about. First of all, you need a right relationship […]

I’m No Longer Eligible for Healing?

Question: “Becky, in your book, DARE to Believe, you talk about John 5:14, when Jesus says to sin no more, lest something worse come upon us.Does this mean if we sin after we are originally healed of a sickness, we are no longer eligible for healing?” Answer: No, this does not mean that we are […]

The Responsibility Is In Our Hands

There comes a point when the responsibility is in our hands, as we find out in the story of Moses and the Israelites.  The Pharaoh and his army are  in hot pursuit of Moses and the sons of Israel. They find them camped in front of the sea. The people fill with fear as their […]

A Word of Restitution

Last year, as I was being introduced to a governor and his vice governor I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak into my ear a word for them. It was, “Restitution”. They both held back tears as I spoke this word and the others that flowed with them. God heard their petitions, and wanted […]

Healed From A Wheelchair

Victoria from KY writes to testify and says, “I really did not understand healing until I was healed from being in a wheelchair for 6 years. I just believed with all my heart that I was healed and that was in 2012. And I am still out of the wheelchair! My faith has brought me […]
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