Marie from OK writes the following prayer request. “Dear Becky, Please pray a healing prayer for my family and me.  The Dr tells me I have ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease).  This disease took my Mother and two of my brothers, the most recent one on March 16, 2013.  On May 30th, 2013, the neurologist told me that I have it too.  At present I am unable to speak or swallow.  Also my breathing is poor as the muscles are atrophying.  A feeding tube was put in on June 20th.  I still have the use of my legs, arms and hands, but I can tell the muscles are weakening.   I have lost a  lot of weight.  I only tell you this so that you will know the specifics  of my condition.  The motor neurons that control speech and swallowing may need to be recreated.

The Lord led me to your book, Dare to Believe. I have always believed that God could heal me, I just did not know if it was His will to heal me.  Reading your book I see that it is God’s will to heal me and I must have faith that He will.  Many friends and neighbors have been praying for me and this has touched my heart deeply.  Please help me to renounce this disease in Jesus name and fill my body with life and healing from the Holy Spirit.   Please help me to have faith and save me from this premature death so that I may fulfill my destiny in Jesus name.  My husband and my son need a healthy me so much.  This disease needs to be stopped now.  My family has suffered too much.  I thank you for this book.  Please pray for us as we are daring to believe!”

Dear Marie, In Jesus’ name I renounce the spirit of death, the spirit of fear, the power of this negative medical report, and the word curses that have come from your own mouth and from those around you, this generational curse called ALS and all other diseases, known or unknown attacking your body.  I release the Spirit of the Living God to flow throughout your entire body. I speak LIFE and His peace into the nerve cells in your brain and into the very core of your spinal cord. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow from the very center of your spinal cord and work its way throughout the rest of the body.  I command your motor neurons to be regenerated. I speak resurrection life into dead motor neurons and that they be disease free, healthy, strong, and function perfectly normal. I come against all forms of paralysis. I command the muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves that control your ability to speak, swallow, and breathe to stop atrophying and return to normal size and strength. I say speak, swallow, and breathe for the glory of our Lord.  I command the body to stop wasting away, gain back the weight necessary to live a healthy, normal life. The muscles of your arms, legs and hands will not be affected by this disease. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit and this premature death has no legal right to inhabit this temple of yours. I plead the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus’ Christ over you, your body and the rest of your family. This disease dies within your body this instant and it cannot move and have its way within you or in your future generations.

You are correct when you say that you now know that Jesus wants you healed. Jesus paid the price necessary to deliver and heal you from ALS. And this is the revelation that you have lacked, but now found that creates life from death.  Marie, be free, be healed, live and fulfill your God-given destiny. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


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© 2013 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

24 thoughts on “Healing Prayer From ALS

  1. I was diagnosed with bulbar ALS in the summer of 2019; My initial symptoms were quite noticeable. I first experienced weakness in my right arm and my speech and swallowing abilities were profoundly affected. The Rilutek (riluzole) did very little to help me. The medical team at the ALS clinic did even less. My decline was rapid and devastating.if it were not for the sensitive care and attention of my primary physician I would have been deceased,There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. Acupuncture eased my anxiety a bit. Our primary physician recommended me to www. kycuyuhealthclinic. com and their amazing ALS treatment. My symptoms including muscle weakness, slurred speech and difficulty swallowing disappeared after 4 months treatment!  The herbal treatment is a sensation.

    1. I renounce this spirit of death, and ALS that have been attacking your body. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your nervous system, your nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord, and all muscle control that has been lost is restored for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  2. I am praying for my sister who was diagnosed with ALS and has declined rapidly. Thank you for your prayer!

    1. Gretchen, in Jesus’ name I renounce this spirit of death and als attacking your sister’s life. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through her nervous and muscular systems and recreate them from the inside to the outside in Jesus’ name, amen.

  3. Thank you for this ALS prayer. I will use it daily for my brother-in-law. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and all that he does and will do to heal all with ALS.

  4. Becky,
    Please pray for healing for my sister’s husband, Gary who has ALS. We believe that God can heal. He has been there for us this past year taking care of our mother who had a stroke. We are strong Christians and know we should not question God, but still it is so hard to not ask WHY. Why is this happening. Can’t God just intervene and provide healing. Please pray for him. Thank you.

    1. It’s natural to ask God, “Why?”, but it is supernatural not to question because you know this is not of Him, but of satan. And with the devil we do not ask him why he is attacking us. We take our authority over him and command him and all of his wickedness to get out in Jesus’ name. Step into the realm of the supernatural where the Holy Spirit is and exercise your authority over your enemy, satan and then release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow.

  5. I have fasted, prayed etc…. But when I saw him two days back…. I just broke down. He’s completely helpless. I just want to understand God. I need to know when he would be healed. I don’t want to loose my friend. What do I tell him? His parents have taken him to his see doctors and even churches for prayers but no change. I believe God is willing to heal him but what about when? Please help me intercede for him

    1. Faith is not based upon your 5 senses or human reasoning or medical reports, but upon the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. You need to force yourself out of the physical realm in this and stay focused on the healing promises in God’s Word. I’m not saying this is going to be easy, but it is possible. Blessings, Becky

    2. Dear Becky Dvorak, I am four years with ALS now and in a wheelchair. I have been blessed with this experience in the changes it has made to meet new and good medical people and being forced off the work treadmill, but I need to touch the gem of His garment and be healed now, as I have a lot to live. Please say one prayer Becky for me to repeat. Kind regards, Mark

      1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this ALS, and the spirit of death that goes with it. I declare that your nervous system is recreated and that weakened muscles are strengthened and made whole and all physical functions are restored for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  6. Hi becky
    My friend synna has had MND for 2 years now and he has lost hope. Currently he cnt speak or move any part of his body. He’s also left school because of it. Please pray for my friend

    1. I renounce the spirit of death that is attacking your friend. I release the Spirit of Life to flow in and through out his entire body, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  7. Dear Becky my husband went to the Dr to have his hand checked for carpal tunnel ! They did an EMG and afterwards the Dr looked at my husband and said I am not going to pussyfoot around ! I think you have Als ! It caught us totally off guard! They made my husband an appointment to go see an als neurologist ! They have you coming back month after month ! They get the privilege of speaking horrible things ! Anyway my husband backed out of going he wants no part of any of it ! He has total peace about ! He told me that God tolld him he wasn’t done with him yet ! Me on the other hand !I do really well then slammo ! I don’t want to be speaking words of life over my husband then turn around and be so caught up in fear that I feel like walking in front of a truck ! I want to keep my focus where it belongs ! I want to keep focus on my Lord and savior ! We have been through so very much ! Last year I came so close to not being here !

  8. Dear Becky,
    You’re such an inspiration to so many. I’m asking for you and other faith filled believers to stand with me in the healing for a dear friend; Connie. She was diagnosed with ALS; 52, married with four daughters.
    She’s having such a hard time holding on to her faith, as she watches her body deteriorate.
    Please stand in for a miracle, as you do for so many. May God bless you a hundred fold for all you do.
    Blessings, Pam

    1. Dear Pam,
      We pray for your friend Connie that she will hold onto the power of hope. Hope comes before faith. Continue to encourage her in the faith.

  9. Dear Becky,
    Thank you for your response.
    From my heart I must tell you my first thought was “Why is there no prayer from Becky?”.
    It’s still there a little bit.
    More so is what you are telling me and the post you referred me to.
    You are so right. All of it resonates with me.
    I’m going to reread it over and over so the words in your response and the post are clear and in me, so the words I speak in my life and the words I speak to God are not fear based but faith based.
    Thank you,

  10. Dear Becky,
    I’ve been on the Internet and came across a lovely prayer and your book. I read the prayer and felt warm and calm for a moment.
    I have been told I have ALS. It is affecting my feet, legs, back and left hand. I go for daily/weekly therapies, I’m eating better but struggle with my fears. My sister and cousin (my only family) are resolute in their belief I will be well, that this is a learning to love myself and life more, to continue to help others as I always have but not fore sake my own wellbeing as a cost.
    I don’t ask for things, I’ve always seen to myself …
    May I ask please for a healing prayer? I have so much love to give to others and myself, there’s so much I want to do with this new view of life.
    I now know that God, Jesus love me and that my body is such a blessing, a miracle.

  11. PLease Becky. Please pray also for my Father who has been recently diagnosed with ALS. WE love him dearly and cannot lose him. He has tauight me how to pray, how to talk to Jesus and how to live faithfully in God. Please heal him of this terrible disease. He is our rock, along with my mom, and we need him in our lives more than ever. Please heal him Lord, Please. Send forth the Holy Spirit to renew, restor and heal his body of this and all diseases. We cannot lose my Dad. He has so much more to offer this world.

    THank you

    1. Hello Dan,
      I align my faith with your faith and I believe that all things are possible, including healing from ALS. I do pray for your dad or total and complete healing in Jesus’ name.


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