Diane from Minnesota writes, “My granddaughter’s EEG is CLEAR! No abnormalities! She has had epilepsy for 8 years but after prayer from Becky Dvorak during a healing service in Midway a month ago, we knew something happened as she slept all through the service, had prayer, then slept the rest of the day. I do […]
My idea literally went to the dogs! During my ministry travels amongst the poor I had made a decision that years later would go to the dogs. I have purchased thousands of Bibles and have given them away to needy people who couldn’t afford to purchase a copy for themselves. Seeing the gratitude they had […]
Many people around us have received devastating reports of pain and death. They feel frightened and hopeless. We have a life changing message to offer to them. A message of hope and healing for those that are sick and hurting. But sometimes we feel insecure to deliver this message. What if they refuse the message? […]
Can Pets Be Healed?
Can pets be healed? This is an interesting question that people frequently ask me. And to answer this question, yes, even pets can be healed. I share a testimony in my book, DARE to Believe in Chapter3, Resolving Doubts and Questions Concerning Healing on pages 94-96 about a puppy that I accidentally ran over with […]
Fungus Disappears
After the message a young teenage girl came forward for prayer for healing from a fungus that was spreading all over her body. I commanded the fungus to stop producing and to disappear in the name of Jesus. A few minutes later the girl and her family came forward to testify that the white spots […]
Asthma Healed
I prayed for a young boy at the healing service today who was suffering from asthma. I told him to put his faith into action, and take a deep breath. He took a deep breath. And immediately, he lifted his arms in praise and with tear-filled eyes, and shouted I’m healed!DARE to Believe!
There are times when we all need a prickly poke of faith to point us in the right direction. And this is the purpose of this post today. Tammy from AZ writes a radical note of faith, “We change the lyrics to a song, “Some trust in chariots. Some trust in horses.” We change them […]
As I travel around the world and minister divine healing, I see many difficult situations. Premature death is one that presents itself in a wide diversity of cruelty. God is not the author of these vicious attacks, but the Redeemer from sickness and disease. One of my life assignments is to release physical healing, to […]
Broken Hips Healed and Walking!
I stand in awe as I read the amazing testimonies that I receive from people reading and putting into practice the message of my book, DARE to Believe. I received this exciting testimony from a Christian school of supernatural ministry in Daytona Beach, Florida where I taught the students one night from my book. Becky, […]
Jesus Heals Scoliosis
Jesus wills to heal all people from all sickness and disease, this includes Scoliosis. One of the most precious healings of scoliosis that I ever witnessed was of a young teenage girl in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a ballerina and the scoliosis was affecting her ability to dance. She came forward with her parents for […]