Have you ever taken the time to ponder about the wealth you possess? Most people when doing so would immediately think about their financial portfolio. How much wealth have they accumulated in worldly terms. But is this really how we are to measure our wealth? Or is there something more valuable than money? Yes, there […]
Take Down the Stronghold of Unbelief
It’s a decision, and a quality one to take down the stronghold of unbelief, and a Christian family did just that. They came to a recent healing seminar in Folsom, California and each family member had a physical disease or ailment, and they decided that enough was enough. No longer were they going to suffer […]
Is It Enough to Just Believe
The Holy Spirit constantly challenges my faith, and causes me to think about what I believe, and why I believe a certain way. And so I present the same questions to you that He does to me. Today, I posted the following comment on social media, “No matter what people may say, God says that […]
Austin, TX — Healing Seminar
FEBRUARY 2018 2nd -3rd — Austin, Texas — Healing Seminar — Host: Pastor George & Paula Crisp of Angels Healing and Recovery Church, Location: Sunrise Community Church, 4430 Manchaca Rd, Austin TX 78745. To register click on links below. Feb 2nd –Friday evening — Healing Service — 7-9 pm. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ friday-healing-service-becky-dvorak-tickets-41024282734? aff=es2 Feb 3rd –Saturday […]
Feel Discouraged–a Word of the Lord
The Spirit of God says to you this day, “You feel discouraged. Your plans have not worked out for you. You wonder where I am. Why have I not responded to you? You are filled with many questions and even more doubt than before. Here is what I would say to you concerning these matters. […]
Has Your Flame for God Grown Dim?
Has your flame for God gone out? Are you a Christian in name only? Do you say one thing about your walk with God, but do another? Will your example lead others to a living relationship with Jesus? What will it take for you to get right with God again? These are some tough questions, […]
His Righteous Right Hand
The prophetic word I sense in my spirit to share with you is a word of encouragement that comes from His throne of grace towards you. He says to you, “My righteous right hand is always for you, never against you. I will uphold you when all else fails. I will provide for you if […]
Joy Unspeakable
There is a joy that Christians can have that does not come from this world. It comes from the depths of our redemption. No matter what happens while on this earth, we possess this unspeakable joy and it wells from deep within. Knowing that in the end of all things we are going to be […]
Remember All of His Benefits
The Scriptures remind us to forget not all of His benefits. But first, we have to know what His benefits are in order to remember to activate them in our lives. Psalms so beautifully describes what His benefits are: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your […]
Healing Is A Good Gift
Some Christians really squawk when they hear someone teach or testify about healing, as if healing were an evil thing. They would be less convicted for their doubt and unbelief if the person were not healed to begin with. But we are not going to be like the squawkers, Instead we are going to ponder […]