The Holy Spirit constantly challenges my faith, and causes me to think about what I believe, and why I believe a certain way. And so I present the same questions to you that He does to me.

Today, I posted the following comment on social media, “No matter what people may say, God says that healing is for today!” And several people left the comment, “I believe!” This leads me to the following important, but basic question that the Lord has asked me in the past, “Is it enough to just believe?” Or more specifically, “Is it enough to just believe in healing?”

I know that some will say before spending the time to think before they speak that I am being sacrilegious here, but I’m not. Today, more than ever we need to be willing to challenge our faith, examine our beliefs and understand what it means to have faith in God. What does it really mean to believe?

Let’s read the words from James 2:18-20 regarding faith and believing, “But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?”

Meditate a bit on what James is saying here. He says to someone saying they believe in God, that’s good, but even the demons believe there is a God. There is more to faith then just believing. And it’s the same in any area of our spiritual life, whether we are talking about if God exists or if His benefits,  such as healing is real. It’s good to say we believe in healing, and that it is for today, but quite frankly, even the demons believe healing is for today. That’s why they fight so hard against this foundational belief. They know it’s real and they fear the eternal fruit, like salvations, deliverances and more healings that your healing will produce.

But so often people say they believe in healing, and that God wills to heal them. This is good, but it is not enough to just say you believe. You have to take it a step further and activate your believe, put your faith in action. Act as if you are already healed.

The man with the withered hand could have said, “I believe, I believe, I believe in healing.” and nothing would have happened until he put his faith to work, put action behind his beliefs, and the moment he extended his hand his healing actually manifested.

So I ask you, “Is it enough to just believe in healing?” Or is there more? Yes, there is the next step to take–action. Put your money where your mouth is and activate that belief. Then, and only then, do you truly believe.


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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

10 thoughts on “Is It Enough to Just Believe

  1. Can you explain more about what it means to receive healing. I often say I’m healed, thank God for it and say I receive healing and expect healing to be here, but often don’t see it and don’t know why.

    1. Elizabeth, when you receive healing you believe it, receive it, if you would, ingest it like something you enjoy to eat. Likewise, you do not receive sickness and disease, you do not believe it or ingest its negative report and/or symptoms like most of us would not eat a bowl of rat soup.

  2. Hi Becky,
    Thank you for sharing the word of healing. I have been receiving your post for a couple of years now. Also, I do believe that God is a Healer, and that He heals those who believe.. However, I have been trusting God for my healing for sometime. A couple of years back, I had been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. Since that time, I had been confessing that I am healed. However, recently, my sight had gotten worse and fluid was found in my right eye which happen to be my good eye but i was still seeing okay. Nevertheless, in order to remove the fluid from my eye, I had to have a procedure on my right eye. Sadly to say, I am seeing less than I did before the procedures. Becky, I believe, but what more do I need to do to put action behind my faith?

    1. Charamaine, When having done all to stand, remain standing, don’t give up. What hinders our healing the most is either we are not consistent with our confession of faith for healing, or our actions do not line up to the healing word or our confession of healing. These are the two main areas. I address a lot of this in my next book. But I know that healing manifests when these areas are in order, and in order consistently. Hugs, Becky

  3. It’s a great Word Becky and it really makes you want understanding on a greater level. There is only faith believing on the Word we are standing on. There is a few aspects I can think on another way of looking at standing on our measure of faith we’ve been given and that is thanksgiving. In John 11:41 Jesus gave thanks before he asked and then by faith He thanked God that He heard Him. Faith in Knowing brings a great expectation to a new level of believing. 1 John 5: 13-14 Thanks Becky for the Word it’s a great thought!

  4. I have repeatedly asked the Trinity to show me the path that has been chosen for me. Haven given up many crafts and teaching of crafts, I’ved walked away knowing this was not my calling. I pray constantly. My health took a serious turn last month, and I pray it serves His purpose. My kidneys have stopped working properly. I trust in Jesus to Heal me or use my illness toward my path. What more can I do to find my path? I know Faith without works is death. I want to serve the only True God. Is there a specific prayer? Some Scripture I have overlooked? At this point I pray for clarity if questions I have. I trust Jesus. I pray to Jesus. I have abundant life through Jesus. I have supernatural power from Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray.

    1. Dear Theresa,
      God knows your heart, and clearly it is for Him and His will for your life. I want to make sure you do understand that God never puts sickness and disease on us for His purpose. Jesus gave everything He had to redeem us and this includes from sickness and disease. He shed His blood for you at the whipping post, and He also transformed into the curse (again including sickness and disease) on the Cross to redeem you from it. In order to stand firmly in faith for healing you have to rid yourself from all doubt and unbelief and wrong beliefs concerning healing. If you are going back and forth in your heart that he might heal you or He might want to serve some special purpose in your life with disease then you can’t be confident in the faith in His healing power for you. This has to be dealt with. I hope this helps, Becky

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