I am asking you today, “Even demons believe, so is it enough to believe?” I have tackled this question before, and the response was sort of mixed. Some tapped into the heart of the message, while others took offense by the question. Where do you stand? And why? James, the earthly brother of Jesus Christ, […]

Speak “To” and “Not About” that Mountain
So often, people speak about the mountain, the problem, the sickness or disease when Jesus clearly says to us in Matthew 17:20 that we are to speak to the mountain. “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move […]

How God’s Justice System Works (A Lesson From the Manger)
How does God’s justice system work in a world filled with chaos and fraud? This is an all important message from the manger that we need to learn and implement in our lives today. Let’s turn our eyes to Who is placed within the manger to learn the workings of God’s justice system. And Who […]

Miracles for Christmas
Are you in need of a miracle? There's no better time than Christmas to receive your miraculous gift from God. The events that surround the birth of our Savior are so miraculous in every way imaginable--and then some. No matter the need you are facing you can find hope for your miracle in the historical events of Jesus' birth.
Is It Enough to Just Believe
The Holy Spirit constantly challenges my faith, and causes me to think about what I believe, and why I believe a certain way. And so I present the same questions to you that He does to me. Today, I posted the following comment on social media, “No matter what people may say, God says that […]

Do You Believe?
Do you believe in the power of faith to receive miracles? Or does your human reasoning resist God’s supernatural ways? Do you readily surrender to His Spirit? Or do you lock arms against Him? There are many Christians today that believe in Jesus, but they don’t believe Him. They believe just enough to receive eternal […]