Forgiveness has the power to heal. But as powerful as it is, it’s not something that is taught from the pulpits, even though Christianity is based upon the forgiveness Jesus extends towards us. And God’s people suffer the ill effects of unforgiveness Let’s look at the healing power in forgiveness. People suffer spiritually, emotionally, and […]

Emotional Health Can Affect Your Physical Health
You are depressed, your physical health is waning, and you can’t figure out what’s going on. Did you know that your emotional health can affect your physical health? Depression for example, is an ailment of the mind and the emotions that needs to be cured, and it can be by the redemptive blood of Jesus. […]

Watch: The Power of the Blood
Watch: The Power of the Blood and be encouraged today knowing that no matter what difficult situation you are being confronted with, the healing power of His blood forgives all unrighteousness, and cleanses and heals us from all the attacks that we face. Be blessed today by the power of His grace. Click here to […]

Jesus Is Our Righteousness
We cannot become the righteousness of God by our good works–only by the redemptive work of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. As our Redeemer, He paid the price with His blood so that we can activate His sózó power in our lives and, yes, be delivered from eternal damnation, but also that we could be healed in […]

The Reason to Celebrate Christ-mas.
It’s the wonderful time of the year that we call, Christmas. Christmas is actually, Christ-mas, a special celebration of the birth of our Savior on this earth. And although December 25th is not the actual date of our Lord’s birth, it is the official date chosen to celebrate this supernatural event around the world. Let’s look […]

10 Steps to Cleanse Your Family From the Strongholds of Witchcraft
Christians, actual followers of Jesus are struggling to get free from the strongholds of witchcraft, demons and demonic activity. And they are reaching out to be free. And the good news is our Lord wants His people free and is able to free us by the power of His redemptive blood. John 8:36 shares this […]

Today’s Sensitive Topic–Abortion
Well I ministered this morning on my show, Empowered for Healing and Miracles on a very sensitive topic (abortion) and the connection between this sin and sickness and disease within the Church today. For those that have had abortions I pray you to know that God is willing and able to forgive and deliver you […]

Need Hope? Struggling with Depression?
Need hope? Struggling with depression? Many people are, including Christians. But the truth is, there is hope if you are struggling with depression. As I share in my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”, depression has a strong link to the spirit of death. Like any other emotion, it can come upon anyone, but […]

Three Days of Prayer and Fast for the Repentance of the Church
Day #1 of a three day fast for the repentance of the Church. I woke up at 4 AM and decided it was a little too early to get up so I went back to sleep. And during this time the Lord gave me a graphic dream of the condition of the “Church”. She was […]

The Sin of a Racist Spirit
What do we do when we see a rat in the room? We get rid of it! Now some may jump on a chair in fear for a while, but eventually they have to climb down off that chair, catch it, and dispose of it. On the other hand, others who are more daring may […]