I was teaching at a healing school in Las Vegas. Afterwards, as I was praying for the sick, a woman asked me if I would pray for her husband who came with her to the meeting, but when he saw the number of people to be prayed for he walked out and went and sat […]
Cancer Eaten Hip Healed
I met this woman at a healing service held in Phoenix, Arizona. She had traveled from another state to come to this healing service. Cancer had eaten away at her hip and she could not walk, immediately after I placed healing hands upon her, and renounced this disease and the effects of this disease, and […]

As I am praying and fasting I have a great sense of expectancy within my spirit. A wave of healing is about to hit the Western World like never before. No longer will people say, “Why doesn’t divine healing manifest in the United States and other parts of the Western World?” A wave of divine […]